The AEK Trigger is an enhanced trigger for the Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols, reducing trigger pre-travel and over travel by approximately 20%. Unintended operation of the trigger is prevented by the Center Mounted Pivoting Safety bar. This bar creates a block that will not disengage unless the shooter places their finger directly on the trigger face. The flat, smooth face of the trigger encourages the shooter to place their finger on the center line of the trigger, ensuring trigger manipulation directly in line with the bore axis. Included Trigger Return Spring Installation Slave Pin aids in the reinstallation of the trigger return spring. This trigger differs from the Apex Tactical Forward Set Trigger Kit in that it will not reduce uptake or pretravel as much as the Forward Set Trigger Kit does. You can expect limited pre-travel, limited over-travel, and improved safety features out of the AEK Trigger. The AEK Trigger works with all Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols in all calibers and configurations EXCEPT Shield and M&P 2.0. It works in conjunction with the Duty Carry AEK and Competition AEK from Apex Tactical. Also, it works as a stand-alone trigger with the factory sear and other components. Does not function with the Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit.
SPECS: Does NOT fit Shield.
Spoušť AEK je vylepšená spoušť pro pistole Smith & Wesson M&P, která snižuje předchůdnost a přebytečný zdvih spouště přibližně o 20 %. Nechtěné aktivace spouště je zabráněno pomocí centrálně umístěného bezpečnostního tlačítka s otočným mechanismem. Toto tlačítko vytváří blokaci, která se neuvolní, dokud střelec neumístí prst přímo na plochu spouště. Plochá, hladká plocha spouště podporuje střelce, aby umístil prst přímo na střední linii spouště, čímž zajišťuje manipulaci se spouští přímo v linii s osou hlavně. Přiložený kolík pro instalaci vratné pružiny spouště usnadňuje opětovnou instalaci vratné pružiny spouště. Tato spoušť se liší od sady Apex Tactical Forward Set Trigger Kit tím, že tolik nesnižuje předchůdnost ani předchůdný zdvih jako sada Forward Set Trigger Kit. Můžete očekávat omezenou předchůdnost, omezený přebytečný zdvih a vylepšené bezpečnostní prvky u spouště AEK. Spoušť AEK je kompatibilní se všemi pistolemi Smith & Wesson M&P ve všech rážích a konfiguracích KROMĚ Shield a M&P 2.0. Funguje ve spojení s Duty Carry AEK a Competition AEK od Apex Tactical. Také funguje jako samostatná spoušť s továrním závěsníkem a dalšími komponenty. Nefunguje s kitem Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit.
Počet hodnocení: 8
Od 8
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,4
The trigger is a great addition(5.5.2012)
The trigger is a great addition in conjunction with some of the other available Apex parts for the M&P. It does take the spongy feeling out of the stock trigger. I would atleast do the Apex sear first and then the trigger. It does require knowledge of disassemling the M&P and also you need to make adjustments to the trigger bar. There are some excellent videos online on how to do this enhancement.
AEK Trigger in M&P .45(27.7.2012)
Picked this up from Apex directly to compliment the Hard Sear I got from Brownell's.
Does everything as advertised, install wasn't too bad for a n00b like me, very pleased with the end results.
If NOTHING ELSE, it feels much better than that plastic trigger.
I Highly recommend this upgrade(15.8.2012)
I bought this kit along with the new sear and safety block (duty carry). I have installed the trigger and sear. The safety block is not installed yet, rear sights can be a @##%$& to get off. The trigger and sear upgrade are nice. Went from 6 3/4 lb pull to 5 lb.. The takeup is shorter and the release is crisp, reset is shorter. Can't wait to see what the safety block adds to the equation.
worth every penny(18.2.2013)
Worth every penny. Had I known how much it would improve performance, I would've replaced the stock trigger immediately. After installing it in my compact, I purchased another trigger set BEFORE I even picked up my Full Size.
Don't know why S&W doesn't just switch to this trigger as stock. The hinged trigger is, in a word, horrible.
What S&W should have done...(4.5.2013)
Dropped this into my 9Pro 5". Pull weight dropped 1/2# from 5# to 4.5# as verified w/pull scale. Long takeup is gone as is most of the sponginess from the stock, plastic trigger. Everything else in the action is stock. (no other changes needed) The video from the Apex site is critical for getting the install right. Another bonus - I didn't have to make any adjustments on the trigger bar. Everything worked as a drop-in.
This trigger combined with the DCAEK left me with the single best striker fired trigger I've ever encountered and one that rivals many SAO triggers as well. Money well spent!
I picked this up based upon the many great reviews here. It looked great and was easy to install. It also made the trigger press excellent. My concern however, is that the trigger safety was made too small and not in a very good location. When I went to dry fire the gun during quick presentations, my finger would not actuate the trigger bar safety (finger placement ended up too high on the trigger face to depress it). I could practice and end up fine, but my natural trigger finger placement (over many thousands of rounds in pistol classes) with this trigger ended up with the safety not being disconnected. I ended up reinstalling the factory trigger and will be returning this unit. I gave it 2 stars because everything looks and feels great, but if I can't rely on being able to deactivate the trigger bar safety under stress, I can't trust it as a product I would run in my firearms. It's a shame too because it really does what is advertised otherwise.
Night and Day(5.7.2018)
It is just flat out a great product. Apex did it right with this one. The break is much more crisp and the reset is good. There is still a slight tinny tiny squish on the take-up but nowhere near the gritty squishy take-up from the stock trigger. Alluded to the title, this trigger is night and day from the stock. There may be a need for some slight customization to the trigger bar, but it is very simple. Apex also has a video to assist in the installation. Brownells always has good shipping.
Produkt č.: 100010583 APEX TACTICAL SPECIALTIES INC ALUMINUM AEK TRIGGER Číslo výrobce: 100-064856008005116 Spoušť AEK je vylepšená spoušť pro pistole Smith & Wesson M&P, která snižuje předchůdnost a přebytečný zdvih spouště přibližně o 20 %. Nechtěné aktivace spouště je zabráněno pomocí centrálně umístěného bezpečnostního tlačítka s otočným mechanismem. Toto tlačítko vytváří blokaci, která se neuvolní, dokud střelec neumístí prst přímo na plochu spouště. Plochá, hladká plocha spouště podporuje střelce, aby umístil prst přímo na střední linii spouště, čímž zajišťuje manipulaci se spouští přímo v linii s osou hlavně. Přiložený kolík pro instalaci vratné pružiny spouště usnadňuje opětovnou instalaci vratné pružiny spouště. Tato spoušť se liší od sady Apex Tactical Forward Set Trigger Kit tím, že tolik nesnižuje předchůdnost ani předchůdný zdvih jako sada Forward Set Trigger Kit. Můžete očekávat omezenou předchůdnost, omezený přebytečný zdvih a vylepšené bezpečnostní prvky u spouště AEK. Spoušť AEK je kompatibilní se všemi pistolemi Smith & Wesson M&P ve všech rážích a konfiguracích KROMĚ Shield a M&P 2.0. Funguje ve spojení s Duty Carry AEK a Competition AEK od Apex Tactical. Také funguje jako samostatná spoušť s továrním závěsníkem a dalšími komponenty. Nefunguje s kitem Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit.
3499CZK113 499,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. Více než 10 ks. skladem USA
Vlastnosti:Finish: BlackMake: Smith & WessonModel: M&PStyle: Curved, Celoplášť, Bezpečnostní spoušť
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.c
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Odpovědný hospodářský subjekt podle nařízení EU
Brownells Arms s.r.o.
Bílanská 1861/81
76701 Kroměříž
Česká republika
Zlepšete svou střelbu s AEK Trigger pro M&P! ✨ Snižuje předchůdnost a zvyšuje bezpečnost. Kompatibilní s většinou M&P modelů.
The AEK Trigger is an enhanced trigger for the Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols, reducing trigger pre-travel and over travel by approximately 20%. Unintended operation of the trigger is prevented by the Center Mounted Pivoting Safety bar. This bar creates a block that will not disengage unless the shooter places their finger directly on the trigger face. The flat, smooth face of the trigger encourages the shooter to place their finger on the center line of the trigger, ensuring trigger manipulation directly in line with the bore axis. Included Trigger Return Spring Installation Slave Pin aids in the reinstallation of the trigger return spring. This trigger differs from the Apex Tactical Forward Set Trigger Kit in that it will not reduce uptake or pretravel as much as the Forward Set Trigger Kit does. You can expect limited pre-travel, limited over-travel, and improved safety features out of the AEK Trigger. The AEK Trigger works with all Smith & Wesson M&P Pistols in all calibers and configurations EXCEPT Shield and M&P 2.0. It works in conjunction with the Duty Carry AEK and Competition AEK from Apex Tactical. Also, it works as a stand-alone trigger with the factory sear and other components. Does not function with the Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit.
SPECS: Does NOT fit Shield.
Spoušť AEK je vylepšená spoušť pro pistole Smith & Wesson M&P, která snižuje předchůdnost a přebytečný zdvih spouště přibližně o 20 %. Nechtěné aktivace spouště je zabráněno pomocí centrálně umístěného bezpečnostního tlačítka s otočným mechanismem. Toto tlačítko vytváří blokaci, která se neuvolní, dokud střelec neumístí prst přímo na plochu spouště. Plochá, hladká plocha spouště podporuje střelce, aby umístil prst přímo na střední linii spouště, čímž zajišťuje manipulaci se spouští přímo v linii s osou hlavně. Přiložený kolík pro instalaci vratné pružiny spouště usnadňuje opětovnou instalaci vratné pružiny spouště. Tato spoušť se liší od sady Apex Tactical Forward Set Trigger Kit tím, že tolik nesnižuje předchůdnost ani předchůdný zdvih jako sada Forward Set Trigger Kit. Můžete očekávat omezenou předchůdnost, omezený přebytečný zdvih a vylepšené bezpečnostní prvky u spouště AEK. Spoušť AEK je kompatibilní se všemi pistolemi Smith & Wesson M&P ve všech rážích a konfiguracích KROMĚ Shield a M&P 2.0. Funguje ve spojení s Duty Carry AEK a Competition AEK od Apex Tactical. Také funguje jako samostatná spoušť s továrním závěsníkem a dalšími komponenty. Nefunguje s kitem Forward Set Sear and Trigger Kit.
Počet hodnocení: 8
Od 8
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,4
The trigger is a great addition(5.5.2012)
The trigger is a great addition in conjunction with some of the other available Apex parts for the M&P. It does take the spongy feeling out of the stock trigger. I would atleast do the Apex sear first and then the trigger. It does require knowledge of disassemling the M&P and also you need to make adjustments to the trigger bar. There are some excellent videos online on how to do this enhancement.
AEK Trigger in M&P .45(27.7.2012)
Picked this up from Apex directly to compliment the Hard Sear I got from Brownell's.
Does everything as advertised, install wasn't too bad for a n00b like me, very pleased with the end results.
If NOTHING ELSE, it feels much better than that plastic trigger.
I Highly recommend this upgrade(15.8.2012)
I bought this kit along with the new sear and safety block (duty carry). I have installed the trigger and sear. The safety block is not installed yet, rear sights can be a @##%$& to get off. The trigger and sear upgrade are nice. Went from 6 3/4 lb pull to 5 lb.. The takeup is shorter and the release is crisp, reset is shorter. Can't wait to see what the safety block adds to the equation.
worth every penny(18.2.2013)
Worth every penny. Had I known how much it would improve performance, I would've replaced the stock trigger immediately. After installing it in my compact, I purchased another trigger set BEFORE I even picked up my Full Size.
Don't know why S&W doesn't just switch to this trigger as stock. The hinged trigger is, in a word, horrible.
What S&W should have done...(4.5.2013)
Dropped this into my 9Pro 5". Pull weight dropped 1/2# from 5# to 4.5# as verified w/pull scale. Long takeup is gone as is most of the sponginess from the stock, plastic trigger. Everything else in the action is stock. (no other changes needed) The video from the Apex site is critical for getting the install right. Another bonus - I didn't have to make any adjustments on the trigger bar. Everything worked as a drop-in.
This trigger combined with the DCAEK left me with the single best striker fired trigger I've ever encountered and one that rivals many SAO triggers as well. Money well spent!
I picked this up based upon the many great reviews here. It looked great and was easy to install. It also made the trigger press excellent. My concern however, is that the trigger safety was made too small and not in a very good location. When I went to dry fire the gun during quick presentations, my finger would not actuate the trigger bar safety (finger placement ended up too high on the trigger face to depress it). I could practice and end up fine, but my natural trigger finger placement (over many thousands of rounds in pistol classes) with this trigger ended up with the safety not being disconnected. I ended up reinstalling the factory trigger and will be returning this unit. I gave it 2 stars because everything looks and feels great, but if I can't rely on being able to deactivate the trigger bar safety under stress, I can't trust it as a product I would run in my firearms. It's a shame too because it really does what is advertised otherwise.
Night and Day(5.7.2018)
It is just flat out a great product. Apex did it right with this one. The break is much more crisp and the reset is good. There is still a slight tinny tiny squish on the take-up but nowhere near the gritty squishy take-up from the stock trigger. Alluded to the title, this trigger is night and day from the stock. There may be a need for some slight customization to the trigger bar, but it is very simple. Apex also has a video to assist in the installation. Brownells always has good shipping.