The Morrigan is a revolutionary concealment holster designed specifically for inside-the-waistband carry. While it can certainly be worn forward of the blade of the hip, the Morrigan is best-suited for people who carry their pistol on or behind the blade of the hip. It has an extremely slim, compact profile so as not to add bulk to the dimensions of the firearm. A full-height body shield protects the weapon from sweat, while simultaneously protecting the shooter from scrapes and discomfort caused by sharp edges on the pistol such as slide serrations. The body shield also fully protects the rear sight from snagging or cutting into cover garments while holstered. The exterior of the Morrigan is very smooth and contoured for all-day comfort, but has special features molded into the trigger guard and muzzle area to aid in tucking the rear of the slide and butt of the grip into the body for greater concealability. Retention is adjustable using the innovative 360-degree Velcro wrap, which provides extremely accurate and repeatable retention adjustments without the use of tools. This “tourniquet style” retention provides a very secure fit while still allowing for exceptionally quick presentations of the weapon from the holster. The Morrigan is ambidextrous. It attaches to the shooter’s belt using a pair of IWB soft loops (included). The holster is adjustable for ride height and cant, and can be adjusted to conceal a pistol on a variety of body types. And like all RCS products, the Morrigan is made in the USA, and is covered by our unconditional lifetime warranty.
Morrigan je revolučn\u00ed skryt\u00e9 pouzdro speci\u00e1ln\u011b navr\u017een\u00e9 pro no\u0161en\u00ed uvnit\u0159 pasu. A\u010dkoliv jej lze nosit i vp\u0159edu na boku, Morrigan je nejvhodn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed pro osoby, kter\u00e9 nos\u00ed svou zbra\u0148 na boku nebo za bokem. M\u00e1 extr\u00e9mn\u011b \u0161t\u00edhl\u00fd a kompaktn\u00ed profil, aby nep\u0159id\u00e1val objem k rozm\u011br\u016fm zbran\u011b. Pln\u011b vysok\u00fd \u0161t\u00edt chr\u00e1n\u00ed zbra\u0148 p\u0159ed potem, z\u00e1rove\u0148 chr\u00e1n\u00ed st\u0159elce p\u0159ed od\u011brky a nepohodl\u00edm zp\u016fsoben\u00fdm ostr\u00fdmi hranami na pistoli, jako jsou nap\u0159\u00edklad dr\u00e1\u017eky z\u00e1v\u011bru. \u0160t\u00edt tak\u00e9 pln\u011b chr\u00e1n\u00ed zadn\u00ed m\u00ed\u0159idlo p\u0159ed zachycen\u00edm nebo po\u0159ez\u00e1n\u00edm kryc\u00edho oble\u010den\u00ed, kdy\u017e je zbra\u0148 v pouzdru. Vn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed strana pouzdra Morrigan je velmi hladk\u00e1 a ergonomicky tvarovan\u00e1 pro celodenn\u00ed pohodl\u00ed, ale obsahuje speci\u00e1ln\u00ed prvky v oblasti spou\u0161t\u011b a hlavn\u011b, kter\u00e9 pom\u00e1haj\u00ed skr\u00fdt zadn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st z\u00e1v\u011bru a rukoje\u0165 zbran\u011b pro lep\u0161\u00ed maskov\u00e1n\u00ed. Z\u00e1dr\u017e je nastaviteln\u00e1 pomoc\u00ed inovativn\u00edho 360stup\u0148ov\u00e9ho such\u00e9ho zipu, kter\u00fd umo\u017e\u0148uje velmi p\u0159esn\u00e9 a opakovateln\u00e9 nastaven\u00ed z\u00e1dr\u017ee bez pou\u017eit\u00ed n\u00e1\u0159ad\u00ed. Tento 'turniketov\u00fd styl' z\u00e1dr\u017ee poskytuje velmi bezpe\u010dn\u00ed uchycen\u00ed, z\u00e1rove\u0148 v\u0161ak umo\u017e\u0148uje mimo\u0159\u00e1dn\u011b rychl\u00e9 vyta\u017een\u00ed zbran\u011b z pouzdra. Morrigan je oboustrann\u00fd. K p\u00e1su st\u0159elce se p\u0159ipev\u0148uje pomoc\u00ed dvojice m\u011bk\u00fdch smy\u010dek IWB (sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed). Pouzdro je nastaviteln\u00e9 pro v\u00fd\u0161ku no\u0161en\u00ed a n\u00e1klon a lze jej upravit tak, aby maskovalo pistoli na r\u016fzn\u00fdch typech postav. A jako v\u0161echny produkty RCS je i Morrigan vyroben v USA a je kryt na\u0161\u00ed bezpodm\u00edne\u010dn\u00ed do\u017eivotn\u00ed z\u00e1rukou.