Effective, High-Strength Cleaning & Protection For All Your Firearms
Gun Lube is truly an "ALL IN ONE" synthetic lubricant providing complete benefits of a Cleaner, Lubricant, and a Preservative and it is an excellent CLP. Formulated especially for use on automatic rapid-fire and repetitive shooting firearms black powder, shotguns, rifles and pistols. Slip 2000 Lubricant contains an exclusive metal treatment designed to control friction, which reduces heat, which eliminates excessive wear. It penetrates the micropores of the metal surfaces bonding itself to the metal allowing lubrication from within the metal itself. Will not attract dust, dirt or sand like petroleum products Will not harden or become tacky Will not dry out and leave unprotected metal behind Will reduce cleaning frequency No need for 5 or 6 other potential dangerous cleaners Contains No Petroleum distillates or other toxic ingredients
SPECS: Gun Lube - 4 oz. flip-top plastic bottle.
Efektivní, vysoce účinné čištění a ochrana pro všechny vaše zbraně
GUN LUBE je opravdu "VŠE V JEDNOM" syntetický lubrikant, který poskytuje kompletní výhody čističe, maziva a konzervačního prostředku a je vynikajícím CLP. Byl speciálně vyvinut pro použití na automatických zbraních s rychlou palbou a opakovanou střelbou, černý prach, brokovnice, pušky a pistole. Mazivo Slip 2000 obsahuje exkluzivní kovovou úpravu určenou k ovládání tření, která snižuje teplo a eliminuje nadměrné opotřebení. Proniká do mikropórů kovových povrchů, váže se na kov a umožňuje mazání přímo z kovu. Nebude přitahovat prach, špínu nebo písek jako ropné produkty. Nebude tuhnout nebo se stávat lepkavým. Nebude vysychat a nechávat nechráněný kov. Sníží frekvenci čištění. Neobsahuje ropné destiláty ani jiné toxické složky
SPECIFIKACE: GUN LUBE - 4 oz. plastová láhev s víčkem na překlopení.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku SLIP 2000 4OZ GUN LUBRICANT
Počet hodnocení: 5
Od brownells.com: 5
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,8
Great CLP product(19.10.2009)
I love this, not because it's really any better than a lot of others, but because it doesn't SMELL as nasty as most. It works a bit better than many CLP style products though. I've taken to using it exclusively on weapons like my 10/22, polymer framed guns and my ar. It does the job with minimal hassle and having to keep extra products around.
The only reason it doesn't get 5 stars is because it is not as good at cleaning as dedicated solvents. I have found that Bore Tech Eliminator does a better job for heavy cleaning, but obviously isn't suitable for the multitude of other tasks Slip Gun Lube is good at. This is also known as Slip 2k. Basically, if you're only going to keep one handy, this is a great option, particularly for range trips or the field.
Best so far(11.2.2011)
I have used this for the past year and I will not use any other CLP. I used this product at work and watched hundreds of rounds be put through a single handgun and the clean up was a breeze. All I had to do is wipe the parts down with a dry cloth.
Good Stuff!(23.2.2011)
I have used a lot of different CLP's over the past 30 years and I gotta say I really like this stuff. It stays where you put it. It also has a high temp value so you don't have that purple cloud about you on the line as you would with lower temp burn off of a lesser CLP. That's a big plus on a gun like an AR that runs better wet. I soak the rear of the bolt on my M4 and the crud comes right off. So I'd say "Good Stuff"
My "Goto" Gun Lube(6.8.2012)
After I've removed carbon, copper and gunk I always come back to SLIP 2000 for long term, short term lubrication, cleaning, preserving. It is my #1 Cleaner, Lubricant and Preserver. You only use a small amount and it goes a long way. The CARBON CLEANER is perfect for barrel cleaning or de-gunking any gun parts. The 725 Cleaner has worked well also. You can use the lube immediately after Carb Cleaner or 725. It makes gun cleaning easy with no harsh chemicals or smell.
Good Stuff(15.8.2013)
I use this everyday in my shop and on my own firearms. Leaves a nice coat when covering larger areas, and "sticks" great for precision applications.
Produkt č.: 100002873 SLIP 2000 4OZ GUN LUBRICANT Číslo výrobce: 60006815706000069 GUN LUBE je opravdu "VŠE V JEDNOM" syntetický lubrikant, který poskytuje kompletní výhody čističe, maziva a konzervačního prostředku a je vynikajícím CLP. Byl speciálně vyvinut pro použití na automatických zbraních s rychlou palbou a opakovanou střelbou, černý prach, brokovnice, pušky a pistole. Mazivo Slip 2000 obsahuje exkluzivní kovovou úpravu určenou k ovládání tření, která snižuje teplo a eliminuje nadměrné opotřebení. Proniká do mikropórů kovových povrchů, váže se na kov a umožňuje mazání přímo z kovu. Nebude přitahovat prach, špínu nebo písek jako ropné produkty. Nebude tuhnout nebo se stávat lepkavým. Nebude vysychat a nechávat nechráněný kov. Sníží frekvenci čištění. Neobsahuje ropné destiláty ani jiné toxické složky
699CZK55699,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. Více než 10 ks. skladem USA
GUN LUBE je syntetický lubrikant, který funguje jako čistič, mazivo a konzervační prostředek, ideální pro automatické zbraně, brokovnice, pušky a pistole.
Obsahuje exkluzivní kovovou úpravu, která snižuje tření, teplo a opotřebení, a neproniká prach, špínu nebo písek.
Neobsahuje ropné destiláty ani toxické složky, nevysychá a snižuje frekvenci čištění.
Effective, High-Strength Cleaning & Protection For All Your Firearms
Gun Lube is truly an "ALL IN ONE" synthetic lubricant providing complete benefits of a Cleaner, Lubricant, and a Preservative and it is an excellent CLP. Formulated especially for use on automatic rapid-fire and repetitive shooting firearms black powder, shotguns, rifles and pistols. Slip 2000 Lubricant contains an exclusive metal treatment designed to control friction, which reduces heat, which eliminates excessive wear. It penetrates the micropores of the metal surfaces bonding itself to the metal allowing lubrication from within the metal itself. Will not attract dust, dirt or sand like petroleum products Will not harden or become tacky Will not dry out and leave unprotected metal behind Will reduce cleaning frequency No need for 5 or 6 other potential dangerous cleaners Contains No Petroleum distillates or other toxic ingredients
SPECS: Gun Lube - 4 oz. flip-top plastic bottle.
Efektivní, vysoce účinné čištění a ochrana pro všechny vaše zbraně
GUN LUBE je opravdu "VŠE V JEDNOM" syntetický lubrikant, který poskytuje kompletní výhody čističe, maziva a konzervačního prostředku a je vynikajícím CLP. Byl speciálně vyvinut pro použití na automatických zbraních s rychlou palbou a opakovanou střelbou, černý prach, brokovnice, pušky a pistole. Mazivo Slip 2000 obsahuje exkluzivní kovovou úpravu určenou k ovládání tření, která snižuje teplo a eliminuje nadměrné opotřebení. Proniká do mikropórů kovových povrchů, váže se na kov a umožňuje mazání přímo z kovu. Nebude přitahovat prach, špínu nebo písek jako ropné produkty. Nebude tuhnout nebo se stávat lepkavým. Nebude vysychat a nechávat nechráněný kov. Sníží frekvenci čištění. Neobsahuje ropné destiláty ani jiné toxické složky
SPECIFIKACE: GUN LUBE - 4 oz. plastová láhev s víčkem na překlopení.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku SLIP 2000 4OZ GUN LUBRICANT
Počet hodnocení: 5
Od brownells.com: 5
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,8
Great CLP product(19.10.2009)
I love this, not because it's really any better than a lot of others, but because it doesn't SMELL as nasty as most. It works a bit better than many CLP style products though. I've taken to using it exclusively on weapons like my 10/22, polymer framed guns and my ar. It does the job with minimal hassle and having to keep extra products around.
The only reason it doesn't get 5 stars is because it is not as good at cleaning as dedicated solvents. I have found that Bore Tech Eliminator does a better job for heavy cleaning, but obviously isn't suitable for the multitude of other tasks Slip Gun Lube is good at. This is also known as Slip 2k. Basically, if you're only going to keep one handy, this is a great option, particularly for range trips or the field.
Best so far(11.2.2011)
I have used this for the past year and I will not use any other CLP. I used this product at work and watched hundreds of rounds be put through a single handgun and the clean up was a breeze. All I had to do is wipe the parts down with a dry cloth.
Good Stuff!(23.2.2011)
I have used a lot of different CLP's over the past 30 years and I gotta say I really like this stuff. It stays where you put it. It also has a high temp value so you don't have that purple cloud about you on the line as you would with lower temp burn off of a lesser CLP. That's a big plus on a gun like an AR that runs better wet. I soak the rear of the bolt on my M4 and the crud comes right off. So I'd say "Good Stuff"
My "Goto" Gun Lube(6.8.2012)
After I've removed carbon, copper and gunk I always come back to SLIP 2000 for long term, short term lubrication, cleaning, preserving. It is my #1 Cleaner, Lubricant and Preserver. You only use a small amount and it goes a long way. The CARBON CLEANER is perfect for barrel cleaning or de-gunking any gun parts. The 725 Cleaner has worked well also. You can use the lube immediately after Carb Cleaner or 725. It makes gun cleaning easy with no harsh chemicals or smell.
Good Stuff(15.8.2013)
I use this everyday in my shop and on my own firearms. Leaves a nice coat when covering larger areas, and "sticks" great for precision applications.