- Color: Black
- Dodací hmotnost: 0,014kg
- Výška přepravy: 8mm
- Šířka přepravy: 22mm
- Délka přepravy: 108mm
- UPC: 048615511238
Produkt č.: 517100004
Výrob. č.: 051123
048615511238 Vysoce specializovaná sloučenina, která se nanáší na zvýraznění vyražených nebo gravírovaných vzorů na VŠECH hladkých površích. Ideální pro zbraně, díly, příslušenství. Polotuhá forma ve formě tyčinky při použití, ale brzy ztvrdne a stane se trvalou.Works for me. 25.2.2014
I used this on the "fire" position of my AR lower. It came out looking really nice and wasn't particularly troublesome. I cut off the very end to expose the soft inside of the stik and set to work. I applied it cold. It went on very easily, although it did take some persistence to get it into all the nooks and crannies. Once it was in place I set about wiping away the excess. It didn't seem very happy to be evicted from its new home, and it left some ghosting around the engraving I had filled. I tried several products along with some vigorous scrubbing to remove the ghosting: alcohol, nail polish remover, and Simple Green. The ghosting thinned a little, but was still very noticeable. Running out of options, I saw a bottle of Froglube, the liquid variety and said to myself "couldn't hurt". It took the ghosting right out, but left the fill in place. It's only just been applied so I can't speak to its durability.
Easy to use 27.11.2012
These lacquer sticks are pretty easy to use. I heat the lacquer stick with a heat gun as well as the work area. I then rub the stick on the item I'm working on. Once enough has built up on the surface, I continue to heat the area with the heat gun so that it liquifies and fills the recessed areas of the item. Once sufficiently coated, I allow the item to cool down. I then use a cleaning patch with some mineral spirits to wipe the area. The goal is to wipe off the high areas and leave the lacquer in the recessed areas. This works quite well. The only issue is solvents and cleaners will easily damage these paint filling.
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