This case trimmer has all the same great features as the standard Redding Trimmer with the addition of a case length micrometer and push button chuck lock. The 2400 trimmer also utilizes a new extended cast iron frame which enables it to handle the lastest long action cartridges and longer old time classic as well. Trims cases up to three and one fourth in length. The micrometer is easy to read and makes quick and precise case length adjustments in increments of .001 inch. Redding's push button chuck lock simplifies case loading and unloading and faciliates perfect alignment of the case between the collet and pilot. Includes six case pilots - .22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm, and .30 caliber, two neck cleaning brushes .22 thru .30 cal and Large and small primer pocket cleaners.
Tento strojek na zastřihávání nábojnic má všechny skvělé funkce standardního trimmeru Redding s přidaným mikrometrem pro měření délky nábojnice a tlačítkem pro uzamčení sklíčidla. Trimmer 2400 také využívá nový prodloužený rám z litiny, který umožňuje zpracovávat nejnovější nábojnice s dlouhou ráží a také delší klasické nábojnice. Zkracuje nábojnice až do délky tří a jedné čtvrtiny palce. Mikrometr je snadno čitelný a umožňuje rychlé a přesné nastavení délky nábojnice v krocích po .001 palce. Systém uzamčení sklíčidla na tlačítko od Redding zjednodušuje nahrávání a vyjímání nábojnic a zajišťuje perfektní zarovnání nábojnice mezi sklíčidlo a vodicí kolík. Součástí balení je šest vodicích kolíků pro nábojnice - .22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm a .30 kalibr, dva čisticí kartáče na hrdla nábojnic .22 až .30 kalibr a čističe velkých a malých zápalek.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku REDDING CASE TRIMMER W/ MICROMETER
Počet hodnocení: 6
Od 6
Průměrné hodnocení: 2,7
This trimmer needs help. The tin cutter is not very good especially with nickle plated cases. Will trim less than 500 rounds. The universal collett needs help does not allow for any minute changes in case dimension and that changes trim length. After approx 50 rounds the tin cutter became dull and the cutter head tightens while trimming thus changing case length. Buy the Wilson. I would not recommend to any enemy either. Not at all up to Redding Standards.
A Fine Trimmerhim(30.11.2011)
REDDING makes quality products. This trimmer is no exception. There are faster trimmers out there, but few are more accurate than this one with the micrometer. The only trimmer I like better is the Sinclair/Wilson trimmer set up which allows the micrometer to be set for the exact cartridge length. I mainly use the Sinclair/Wilson trimmer however I keep this one on hand for extra long cases.
Guaranteed square mouth(10.3.2012)
I like the fact that the this trimmer turns the case and not the cutter. It operates like a lathe and guarantees a square mouth. I have not had any issues with changes in trim length like others have reported. Consistent pressure when tightening the collet will prevent changes in trim length. I have not had problems with the cutter getting dull, but I do not use nickel plated cases which would be hard on any cutter.
Not to good(14.3.2012)
It worked great for about 300 cases. Then the button system that is supposed to close the collet and secure a case, failed. It keeps slipping out of the groove in the collet holder.
Limited Usefullness(11.1.2017)
30 years ago, I started with an RCBS case trimmer. After suffering with it for 10 years, I bought the Redding unit for it's unique design (spinning the case, instead of the cutter).
It has some design idiosyncrasies that keep it from excellence. You must pull HARD on the handle to release it after you've trimmed more than a few thousandths in length on a case. The excess shavings get caught in the case pilot and I've never been able to remedy that issue. It makes for a lot of extra effort.
The accuracy in the length of cut is determined by the case head diameter. With different case head sizes in the same caliber, you'll see different lengths. The design can never equal the accuracy of the Wilson design.
Now, I've finally "graduated" to the excellent Wilson trimmer and find it to be a joy to use. This Redding trimmer is now used for spinning case bodies while I'm using a Sinclair neck trimmer to uniform case necks. It's a quick and efficient process on .308 or shorter cases with that aspect of the Redding trimmer. For other than that use, I cannot recommend it.
Don't waste your time(3.1.2018)
Boy do I miss my old Lyman trimmer! I used it for over 30 years with simple, repeatable accuracy until the collet finally gave out. This Redding will NOT trim with consistent accuracy. I get variances of .005 or a bit more EVERY TIME! So don't waste your time as mine is going back to brownells.
Produkt č.: 749008038 REDDING CASE TRIMMER W/ MICROMETER Číslo výrobce: 24000611760240003 Tento strojek na zastřihávání nábojnic má všechny skvělé funkce standardního trimmeru Redding s přidaným mikrometrem pro měření délky nábojnice a tlačítkem pro uzamčení sklíčidla. Trimmer 2400 také využívá nový prodloužený rám z litiny, který umožňuje zpracovávat nejnovější nábojnice s dlouhou ráží a také delší klasické nábojnice. Zkracuje nábojnice až do délky tří a jedné čtvrtiny palce. Mikrometr je snadno čitelný a umožňuje rychlé a přesné nastavení délky nábojnice v krocích po .001 palce. Systém uzamčení sklíčidla na tlačítko od Redding zjednodušuje nahrávání a vyjímání nábojnic a zajišťuje perfektní zarovnání nábojnice mezi sklíčidlo a vodicí kolík. Součástí balení je šest vodicích kolíků pro nábojnice - .22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm a .30 kalibr, dva čisticí kartáče na hrdla nábojnic .22 až .30 kalibr a čističe velkých a malých zápalek.
8599CZK08 599,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Trimmer 2400 s mikrometrem umožňuje přesné nastavení délky nábojnice v krocích po .001 palce a zkracuje nábojnice až do délky tří a jedné čtvrtiny palce.
Obsahuje šest vodicích kolíků pro nábojnice různých kalibrů (.22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm a .30 cal) a dva čisticí kartáče na hrdla nábojnic.
Systém uzamčení sklíčidla na tlačítko zjednodušuje manipulaci s nábojnicemi a zajišťuje jejich perfektní zarovnání.
This case trimmer has all the same great features as the standard Redding Trimmer with the addition of a case length micrometer and push button chuck lock. The 2400 trimmer also utilizes a new extended cast iron frame which enables it to handle the lastest long action cartridges and longer old time classic as well. Trims cases up to three and one fourth in length. The micrometer is easy to read and makes quick and precise case length adjustments in increments of .001 inch. Redding's push button chuck lock simplifies case loading and unloading and faciliates perfect alignment of the case between the collet and pilot. Includes six case pilots - .22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm, and .30 caliber, two neck cleaning brushes .22 thru .30 cal and Large and small primer pocket cleaners.
Tento strojek na zastřihávání nábojnic má všechny skvělé funkce standardního trimmeru Redding s přidaným mikrometrem pro měření délky nábojnice a tlačítkem pro uzamčení sklíčidla. Trimmer 2400 také využívá nový prodloužený rám z litiny, který umožňuje zpracovávat nejnovější nábojnice s dlouhou ráží a také delší klasické nábojnice. Zkracuje nábojnice až do délky tří a jedné čtvrtiny palce. Mikrometr je snadno čitelný a umožňuje rychlé a přesné nastavení délky nábojnice v krocích po .001 palce. Systém uzamčení sklíčidla na tlačítko od Redding zjednodušuje nahrávání a vyjímání nábojnic a zajišťuje perfektní zarovnání nábojnice mezi sklíčidlo a vodicí kolík. Součástí balení je šest vodicích kolíků pro nábojnice - .22 cal, 6mm, .25 cal, .270 cal, 7mm a .30 kalibr, dva čisticí kartáče na hrdla nábojnic .22 až .30 kalibr a čističe velkých a malých zápalek.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku REDDING CASE TRIMMER W/ MICROMETER
Počet hodnocení: 6
Od 6
Průměrné hodnocení: 2,7
This trimmer needs help. The tin cutter is not very good especially with nickle plated cases. Will trim less than 500 rounds. The universal collett needs help does not allow for any minute changes in case dimension and that changes trim length. After approx 50 rounds the tin cutter became dull and the cutter head tightens while trimming thus changing case length. Buy the Wilson. I would not recommend to any enemy either. Not at all up to Redding Standards.
A Fine Trimmerhim(30.11.2011)
REDDING makes quality products. This trimmer is no exception. There are faster trimmers out there, but few are more accurate than this one with the micrometer. The only trimmer I like better is the Sinclair/Wilson trimmer set up which allows the micrometer to be set for the exact cartridge length. I mainly use the Sinclair/Wilson trimmer however I keep this one on hand for extra long cases.
Guaranteed square mouth(10.3.2012)
I like the fact that the this trimmer turns the case and not the cutter. It operates like a lathe and guarantees a square mouth. I have not had any issues with changes in trim length like others have reported. Consistent pressure when tightening the collet will prevent changes in trim length. I have not had problems with the cutter getting dull, but I do not use nickel plated cases which would be hard on any cutter.
Not to good(14.3.2012)
It worked great for about 300 cases. Then the button system that is supposed to close the collet and secure a case, failed. It keeps slipping out of the groove in the collet holder.
Limited Usefullness(11.1.2017)
30 years ago, I started with an RCBS case trimmer. After suffering with it for 10 years, I bought the Redding unit for it's unique design (spinning the case, instead of the cutter).
It has some design idiosyncrasies that keep it from excellence. You must pull HARD on the handle to release it after you've trimmed more than a few thousandths in length on a case. The excess shavings get caught in the case pilot and I've never been able to remedy that issue. It makes for a lot of extra effort.
The accuracy in the length of cut is determined by the case head diameter. With different case head sizes in the same caliber, you'll see different lengths. The design can never equal the accuracy of the Wilson design.
Now, I've finally "graduated" to the excellent Wilson trimmer and find it to be a joy to use. This Redding trimmer is now used for spinning case bodies while I'm using a Sinclair neck trimmer to uniform case necks. It's a quick and efficient process on .308 or shorter cases with that aspect of the Redding trimmer. For other than that use, I cannot recommend it.
Don't waste your time(3.1.2018)
Boy do I miss my old Lyman trimmer! I used it for over 30 years with simple, repeatable accuracy until the collet finally gave out. This Redding will NOT trim with consistent accuracy. I get variances of .005 or a bit more EVERY TIME! So don't waste your time as mine is going back to brownells.