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661120750475 EU2012271
3049 3049 2 CZK
Produkt č.: EU2012271
AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target
Číslo výrobce: 4002309 661120750475 Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target is a new take on the traditional KYL design. Know Your Limit targets, or KYL, as they are commonly called allow shooters to hone their marksmanship skills and have fun competitions with other shooters to see how they stack up. This KYL target uses rings instead of the traditional solid paddle targets that decrease in size. There are five 3” diameter targets with holes in the middle of each, forming a ring target. The size of the hole in the target increases leaving a smaller ring target as they progress. The most common way to use the target is for shooters to start with the largest target and accumulate points for each target they hit. If the shooter misses, they drop back to zero. This tests a shooter’s ability to judge their limits and see how well they stack up to others. Targets are constructed of certified AR500 steel and can withstand a lifetime of impacts from any rimfire cartridge including 22 Magnum and 17HMR. The included stand uses ½” diameter steel tubing and durable polyurethane joints to set up quickly and takedown for easy transport and storage. Get out to the range and test your limits with the Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target.
3049 CZK 0 3 049,00 Kč *
Přeobjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 3-4 měsíce z evropského skladu.
Vlastnosti: Barevný: Yellow Material: Steel Style: Terč

Původní popis

Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target is a new take on the traditional KYL design. Know Your Limit targets, or KYL, as they are commonly called allow shooters to hone their marksmanship skills and have fun competitions with other shooters to see how they stack up. This KYL target uses rings instead of the traditional solid paddle targets that decrease in size. There are five 3” diameter targets with holes in the middle of each, forming a ring target. The size of the hole in the target increases leaving a smaller ring target as they progress. The most common way to use the target is for shooters to start with the largest target and accumulate points for each target they hit. If the shooter misses, they drop back to zero. This tests a shooter’s ability to judge their limits and see how well they stack up to others. Targets are constructed of certified AR500 steel and can withstand a lifetime of impacts from any rimfire cartridge including 22 Magnum and 17HMR. The included stand uses ½” diameter steel tubing and durable polyurethane joints to set up quickly and takedown for easy transport and storage. Get out to the range and test your limits with the Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target.


Color: Yellow Material: Steel Style: Terč Dodací hmotnost: 7,5kg Výška přepravy: 165,1mm Šířka přepravy: 241,3mm Délka přepravy: 965,2mm UPC : 661120750475

Automatický překlad popisu

Top takeaways

  1. Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target je inovativní verze tradičního KYL designu, který využívá prstencové terče místo pevných paddlových terčů.
  2. Terče jsou vyrobeny z certifikované AR500 oceli, která vydrží nárazy od jakéhokoli rimfire náboje včetně 22 Magnum a 17HMR.
  3. Součástí je stojan z ocelových trubek o průměru ½” a odolných polyuretanových spojů, který se snadno sestaví a rozloží pro snadnou přepravu a skladování.
Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target is a new take on the traditional KYL design. Know Your Limit targets, or KYL, as they are commonly called allow shooters to hone their marksmanship skills and have fun competitions with other shooters to see how they stack up. This KYL target uses rings instead of the traditional solid paddle targets that decrease in size. There are five 3” diameter targets with holes in the middle of each, forming a ring target. The size of the hole in the target increases leaving a smaller ring target as they progress. The most common way to use the target is for shooters to start with the largest target and accumulate points for each target they hit. If the shooter misses, they drop back to zero. This tests a shooter’s ability to judge their limits and see how well they stack up to others. Targets are constructed of certified AR500 steel and can withstand a lifetime of impacts from any rimfire cartridge including 22 Magnum and 17HMR. The included stand uses ½” diameter steel tubing and durable polyurethane joints to set up quickly and takedown for easy transport and storage. Get out to the range and test your limits with the Caldwell AR500 Rimfire KYL Ring Challenge Target.

Produkt č.: EU2012272
AR500 Rimfire KYL Challenge Target
Číslo výrobce: 4002310 661120750482 The Caldwell AR500 Rimfire Kyl Challenge Target Kit w/Stand was made in order to be the ideally suited item for any person looking for a high quality choice. These Steel Targets from the skilled product professionals at Caldwell are fashioned using heavy duty and reliable materials, in order to provide you with product that is going to be powerful for many years. Manufactured using some of the best attainable components and engineering, these Steel Targets from the product professionals at Caldwell can last you an incredibly long time.
3049 CZK 0 3 049,00 Kč *
Přeobjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 3-4 měsíce z evropského skladu.
Vlastnosti: Barevný: Yellow Material: Steel Style: Terč

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