- Udělat: AR-15
- Dodací hmotnost: 0,136kg
- Výška přepravy: 33mm
- Šířka přepravy: 66mm
- Délka přepravy: 150mm
Produkt č.: 133100016
Výrob. č.: NONE
Účinně odstraňuje těžko dostupné usazeniny uhlíku bez poškození nosiče závěru. Rychle vyřeší problémy s cyklováním způsobené nadměrnými usazeninami uhlíku uvnitř výklenku závěru. Špička z tvrzené oceli vydrží neomezeně dlouho při správném používání.Does what it is designed to do! 15.12.2012
This tool was designed to remove heavy carbon build up and it does that very well. It was not designed to remove every spec of carbon, you do have to finish the job.
Handy tool 2.9.2012
This is a repost from the one I made for the bolt radius scraper, because it applies equally to this tool as well.
I bought one of these about a year ago and have used it many times. It was not desingned to scrape metal to metal as this would remove finish, and possibly damage your weapon's parts. If you are like me and occaisonally buy the steel cased russian ammo, for the simple purpose of blasting to your heart's content on the cheap, this is a handy tool. for those who put their weapon to the test with lots of heavy shooting this is a handy tool. for the individual who may skip a cleaning or two again a handy tool. for the ultra picky with super clean handloads and white gloves don't get your hopes up, it only gets things started by taking off heavy buildup the rest is up to you.