Melonite Coated For Extra Heat Resistance & Elimination Of Light Reflection
Melonite coating on hardened stainless steel gas tubes gives extra heat- and corrosion-resistance for an exceptionally long service life. Matte black finish enhances the tactical profile of rifles with open handguards by eliminating a source of accidental light reflection. Includes gas tube roll pin.
SPECS: 304 stainless steel, Melonite coated, matte black. Available in Pistol, Carbine, Mid- Length, and Rifle lengths.
Povlak Melonite pro extra odolnost vůči teplu a eliminaci odlesků světla
Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
SPECS: 304 nerezová ocel, Melonite povlak, matně černá. Dostupné v délkách pro Pistol, Carbine, Mid-Length a Rifle.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE PISTOL
Počet hodnocení: 10
Od 9
Průměrné hodnocení: 4
Kvalita standardní(8.2.2023)
Kvalita standardně na vysoké úrovní cenová hladina naprosto neodpovídá cene na trhu. Od jiných výrobců cena poloviční při stejné kvalitě.
Worked like a gas tube should(19.6.2016)
Holes for pin and gas block lined up. Not sure what else to say about it. I might have paid more than I should for a tube but whatever it works.
Best Gas Tube on the market(29.6.2012)
These gas tubes are hands down the best out there, and they blend in with the barrel so if you are running handguards that you can see through you won't have a big silver gas tube staring back at you.
Make sure it's clear...(4.7.2014)
I bought this for building my first AR and was really excited from all the reviews I've been reading. Everything looked fine when it arrived and today I started building. The ENTIRE gas tube was completely plugged up with what appeared to be bluing salts. Fortunately I work at a gunsmiths and have all kinds of help, but this is a first for any of them. So far we've custom made a wire into a "drill-bit" like too which I have spent over an hour grinding the salts out by hand. It's now in it's 3rd ultrasonic cleaning session, and I'm still only about 1/2 way through the tube. If you decide to purchase one of these, Make Sure It's Clear!
a good value(18.10.2014)
fits & looks great. good quality. no problems with installation.
Great Value!(23.4.2015)
Excellent quality with the black nitride finish to get rid of a potential reflective surface, and includes the roll pin unlike many gas tubes out there. Excellent value and worked great with my gas block.
Works 100% as expected(27.8.2018)
I was amazed at cost for a small tube of steel, and budget guided my purchase. I installed this with a low-pro gas block on 14.5 inch barrel. Tube was straight with a slight rise by the barrel nut - no clogs, no dents etc. Works as expected for >1000 rounds so far. Can't live without it if you want your BCG to cycle...
functionality fine(29.1.2016)
As far,as functionality goes, this product is fine. My only problem is the poor job on the melonite finish. A few spots where rubbed off. Looks too me like a problem with the coating process. The part was probably handled handled improperly before it was coated. Otherwise it's a fine product.
Gas tube does not work(28.7.2016)
I bought the Spike's Tactical Melontie Carbine Length gas tube for my .300 Blackout build. When the gun failed to cycle, I checked all the gas system components. the Gas tube was the only item that did not allow gas to flow. I tried cleaning it with bore cleaner and a thin wire then running compressed air through it. Zero flow through the tube.
Good product(30.1.2012)
Came with pin and was a very easy install. Other gas tubs are 7 inches. The Spikes is 7.5 inches and worked great. Nice finish to metal surface.
Produkt č.: 100008576 SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE PISTOL Číslo výrobce: SUGT0M1855319005891 Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
849CZK15849,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. Více než 10 ks. skladem USA
Vlastnosti:Finish: MeloniteGas System Length: PistolLength: 6 3/4Make: AR-15Material: Stainless Steel
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Odpovědný hospodářský subjekt podle nařízení EU
Brownells Arms s.r.o.
Bílanská 1861/81
76701 Kroměříž
Česká republika
Produkt č.: 100008577 SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE CARBINE Číslo výrobce: SUGT0M2855319005907 Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
849CZK19849,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. Více než 10 ks. skladem USA
Vlastnosti:Finish: MeloniteGas System Length: CarbineLength: 9 3/4Make: AR-15Material: Stainless Steel
Produkt č.: 100008578 SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE MID-LENGTH Číslo výrobce: SUGT0M3855319005914 Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
849CZK0849,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Vlastnosti:Finish: MeloniteGas System Length: Mid-LengthLength: 11 3/4Make: AR-15Material: Stainless Steel
Produkt č.: 100008579 SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE RIFLE Číslo výrobce: SUGT0M4855319005921 Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
999CZK0999,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Vlastnosti:Finish: MeloniteGas System Length: RifleLength: 15 1/8Make: AR-15Material: Stainless Steel
Melonite Coated For Extra Heat Resistance & Elimination Of Light Reflection
Melonite coating on hardened stainless steel gas tubes gives extra heat- and corrosion-resistance for an exceptionally long service life. Matte black finish enhances the tactical profile of rifles with open handguards by eliminating a source of accidental light reflection. Includes gas tube roll pin.
SPECS: 304 stainless steel, Melonite coated, matte black. Available in Pistol, Carbine, Mid- Length, and Rifle lengths.
Povlak Melonite pro extra odolnost vůči teplu a eliminaci odlesků světla
Povlak Melonite na kalených nerezových plynových trubkách poskytuje extra odolnost proti teplu a korozi pro mimořádně dlouhou životnost. Matně černý povrch zvyšuje taktický profil pušek s otevřenými předpažbími tím, že eliminuje zdroj nechtěného odlesku světla. Obsahuje kolík pro plynovou trubku.
SPECS: 304 nerezová ocel, Melonite povlak, matně černá. Dostupné v délkách pro Pistol, Carbine, Mid-Length a Rifle.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku SPIKES TACTICAL AR-15 GAS TUBE MELONITE PISTOL
Počet hodnocení: 10
Od 9
Průměrné hodnocení: 4
Kvalita standardní(8.2.2023)
Kvalita standardně na vysoké úrovní cenová hladina naprosto neodpovídá cene na trhu. Od jiných výrobců cena poloviční při stejné kvalitě.
Worked like a gas tube should(19.6.2016)
Holes for pin and gas block lined up. Not sure what else to say about it. I might have paid more than I should for a tube but whatever it works.
Best Gas Tube on the market(29.6.2012)
These gas tubes are hands down the best out there, and they blend in with the barrel so if you are running handguards that you can see through you won't have a big silver gas tube staring back at you.
Make sure it's clear...(4.7.2014)
I bought this for building my first AR and was really excited from all the reviews I've been reading. Everything looked fine when it arrived and today I started building. The ENTIRE gas tube was completely plugged up with what appeared to be bluing salts. Fortunately I work at a gunsmiths and have all kinds of help, but this is a first for any of them. So far we've custom made a wire into a "drill-bit" like too which I have spent over an hour grinding the salts out by hand. It's now in it's 3rd ultrasonic cleaning session, and I'm still only about 1/2 way through the tube. If you decide to purchase one of these, Make Sure It's Clear!
a good value(18.10.2014)
fits & looks great. good quality. no problems with installation.
Great Value!(23.4.2015)
Excellent quality with the black nitride finish to get rid of a potential reflective surface, and includes the roll pin unlike many gas tubes out there. Excellent value and worked great with my gas block.
Works 100% as expected(27.8.2018)
I was amazed at cost for a small tube of steel, and budget guided my purchase. I installed this with a low-pro gas block on 14.5 inch barrel. Tube was straight with a slight rise by the barrel nut - no clogs, no dents etc. Works as expected for >1000 rounds so far. Can't live without it if you want your BCG to cycle...
functionality fine(29.1.2016)
As far,as functionality goes, this product is fine. My only problem is the poor job on the melonite finish. A few spots where rubbed off. Looks too me like a problem with the coating process. The part was probably handled handled improperly before it was coated. Otherwise it's a fine product.
Gas tube does not work(28.7.2016)
I bought the Spike's Tactical Melontie Carbine Length gas tube for my .300 Blackout build. When the gun failed to cycle, I checked all the gas system components. the Gas tube was the only item that did not allow gas to flow. I tried cleaning it with bore cleaner and a thin wire then running compressed air through it. Zero flow through the tube.
Good product(30.1.2012)
Came with pin and was a very easy install. Other gas tubs are 7 inches. The Spikes is 7.5 inches and worked great. Nice finish to metal surface.