Eliminates "Fitting" The Safety; Works With Factory & Aftermarket Triggers
Easy-to-install, reversible safety selector ensures ultra-reliable engagement and eliminates the time-consuming job of “fitting the safety” to a factory or aftermarket trigger—the perfect upgrade to accompany a J.P. Enterprises Adjustable Trigger. Eliminates the risk of damaging the trigger during fitting and shortens installation time by as much as one-third. An adjustment screw on the selector drum lets you quickly and easily set the correct trigger/safety relationship to completely block trigger movement when the selector is set to “safe.” A second screw inside the drum ensures the adjustment screw stays locked in place. Deeply grooved control pad gives positive thumb engagement even when wearing gloves, and can be installed in the standard position on the left-side of the receiver or on the right side for fast, natural operation by left-handed shooters. Includes a low-profile ambidextrous lever for the other side that adds minimal bulk while giving you the flexibility to operate the safety with the off hand in an emergency or if the strong hand is injured. Or add the JPFC-SL1 Ambidextrous Selector Lever to give your rifle a full-size safety lever on both sides of the receiver for fully ambidextrous operation. Ideal for tactical and competition shooters who may need to operate the selector with the weak hand to accommodate an unconventional shooting position.
SPECS: Steel with aluminum control pads, matte black finish. Installation instructions included.
Eliminuje "Přizpůsobování" Bezpečnosti; Kompatibilní s Továrními & Aftermarketovými Spouštěmi
Snadno instalovatelný, reverzibilní bezpečnostní selektor zajišťuje ultra-spolehlivé zapojení a eliminuje časově náročnou práci s „přizpůsobováním bezpečnosti“ továrnímu nebo aftermarketovému spoušťovému mechanismu – ideální vylepšení k doplnění nastavitelné spouště J.P. Enterprises. Eliminuje riziko poškození spouště během přizpůsobování a zkracuje čas instalace až o jednu třetinu. Regulační šroub na bubnu selektoru umožňuje rychlé a snadné nastavení správného vztahu spouště/bezpečnosti tak, aby byl pohyb spouště zcela blokován, když je selektor nastaven na „safe“. Druhý šroub uvnitř bubnu zajišťuje, že regulační šroub zůstane na svém místě. Hluboce vroubkované ovládací tlačítko poskytuje pozitivní zapojení palce i při nošení rukavic a lze jej instalovat ve standardní pozici na levé straně přijímače nebo na pravé straně pro rychlou a přirozenou operaci leváky. Obsahuje nízkoprofilovou ambidextrální páčku pro druhou stranu, která přidává minimální objem, zatímco vám dává flexibilitu ovládat bezpečnostní zařízení nouzovou rukou nebo v případě zranění silné ruky. Nebo přidejte páčku ambidextrálního selektoru JPFC-SL1, aby vaše puška měla plně ambidextrální ovládání bezpečnostní páčky na obou stranách přijímače. Ideální pro taktické střelce a střelce soutěžící, kteří mohou potřebovat ovládat selektor slabou rukou, aby se přizpůsobili netradiční střelecké pozici.
SPECS: Ocel s hliníkovými ovládacími tlačítky, matně černá povrchová úprava. Návod k instalaci je součástí balení.
Počet hodnocení: 8
Od brownells.com: 8
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,1
JP Enterprises hit one out of the park with this safety selector! Being a gunsmith and working with quality parts is a pleasure. I found that the instructions very easy to follow and little fitting required. Having a selector that is adjustable removes all play when on safe, giving a rock solid feel.The thumb rest is deeper and has a shelf for no miss or slip engagement.Being screwed from both sides makes it a tight fit.
Excellent, when it fits your trigger(27.10.2010)
I installed this about a year ago when all my other internal lower parts were standard (including the trigger) and it worked perfectly. Easy installation, very nice machining (no sloppiness or excessive depth of the detent groove as you will sometimes see with a standard part) which makes for excellent, smooth feel and safety engagement/disengagement (as well as quietness). No fitting was required other than adjusting one screw. I was excited to have an ambi safety, since I am left handed, and liked that it was advertised as working with "any aftermarket trigger" (I'm quoting from their website, here), as I planned to install one down the road.
After a few months of AR bliss I decided to install a Geiselle SSA trigger. I installed the trigger, cocked the rifle, switched the selector to "fire," pulled the trigger, and nothing... I swapped the JP selector for a standard one, and the trigger worked beautifully. Switching back to the JP and watching the trigger movement, I noticed that the JP was not allowing the Geissele to travel enough to release the hammer. The tail of the trigger was hitting the safety before the sear could release. This is how the safety is supposed to work when it is engaged in "safe" mode. So in effect, with this safety I effectively get "safe" mode when the selector was switched to both "safe" and "fire" modes. Pulling the safety again and visually comparing it to the standard, I could see that the JP's machined flat for "fire" was significantly shallower than the standard safety's. The difference is on the order of a couple mm, which is huge considering that this part isn't very large. It is clear that they did this because there is a transverse hole drilled in the thing (for the adjustable "safe" mode stop). I guess the designers were concerned that if they machined the thing to standard dimensions that it would be too weak.
So I'm back to using the standard safety for the moment so I can actually fire my rifle. I've been thinking about machining or filing down the "fire" shelf some to see if I can make enough room for the trigger to work, but I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. It might not have enough meat there before hitting the screw hole. I'm probably going to try some competing offerings before I resort to that.
I just don't see how they can claim that the thing works with all aftermarket triggers when it clearly has a travel limitation that the standard design does not. It does not work with the Geissele SSA, anyway.
This item DOES NOT WORK(10.3.2011)
Upon visual inspection, it is obvious to the naked eye that the gap in the barrel is much more shallow than on a stock selector. After installing it, my Wilson Combat tac trigger would not fire. Even with the adjustment screws removed alltogether, the trigger bar would not clear the selector when on FIRE. Given the divergence from USGI selector barrel specs, I would not trust this item with any trigger.
Excellent Product as always(28.3.2011)
Being a full time gunsmith, this unit is absolute perfection when it comes to perfectly adjusting the safety engagement on an AR. I have installed several and customers are happy with them. Satisfied customers is what it is all about.
Works as advertised(15.7.2011)
Drop in and adjust works like a charm. Fits like manufacture says. My only complaint is if you set it up with the ambi safety it rubs my trigger finger, not a big deal i just removed it.
Needed for JP Fire Control Group(2.4.2013)
It's a good safety, but I had to buy it because the JP fire control group I installed on my S&W wouldn't work with the Battle arms ambi safety or a standard safety for that matter. Whereas others where having issues with the FIRE position, I couldn't engage a standard safety with the JP trigger without binding/rubbing, so I had to install this one. This safety barrel is cut out in the safe position and uses a set-screw to contact the trigger. Overall happy with it, but really wouldn't recommend it over anything else UNLESS you run into issues with your JP trigger and need more clearance in the SAFE position.
Yay! It worked!!!(18.7.2013)
I just got done installing both the JP selector in a Stag Arms Lower with Geissele SSA trigger and the Battle Arms selector in a Colt Lower with a Geissele SSA-E trigger. Both selectors are fine pieces of equipment to be sure but there are differences. Out of the box with no break-in period the JP was smother from stop to stop. Both have about the same positive click feel when reaching Safe or Fire. I think the BA selector will become just as smooth when the finish coating wears some though. Again, out of the box and with no gunsmithing the BA was a better fit with the Geissele trigger. To be completely fair to JP though, in my opinion they are providing a product that is designed to provide a more custom precision fit and also that in Geissele's own product description they say that some selectors will need to be fitted with their triggers. The Stag Arms Lower/SSA combo with the JP Selector had no perceivable over-travel when fired. Translation, I got darn lucky that it worked out of the box and it might be a good idea to take it to a gunsmith for a more proper fit. The adjustable safety block screw did interface nicely with the SSA though. If you are looking for a more custom fit/feel for your AR and don't mind having to possibly do some added work for it the JP Enterprises Selector, in my nonprofessional opinion, is the better part. With the Battle Arms selector though, drop it in, Loctite two screw and you're done.
Single Stage only (28.10.2015)
This is an awesome unit - I like the interface between the levers and the barrel much more than the Battle Arms system, and the machining is tighter, however, as it comes from JPE, it is designed to ONLY work with single stage triggers - and I already Geissele'd all the things. There's not enough metal taken off of the 'fire' surface to allow the trigger body's movement in a second stage pull. I spoke with a rep at JP, who advised it's possible to machine the 'fire' interface surface back to allow more travel for two stage triggers. The rep thought it might be around .010" +/- .005"
Produkt č.: 452000043 J P ENTERPRISES ADJUSTABLE/REVERSIBLE SELECTOR Číslo výrobce: JPFC-SA812872022116 Snadno instalovatelný, reverzibilní bezpečnostní selektor zajišťuje ultra-spolehlivé zapojení a eliminuje časově náročnou práci s „přizpůsobováním bezpečnosti“ továrnímu nebo aftermarketovému spoušťovému mechanismu – ideální vylepšení k doplnění nastavitelné spouště J.P. Enterprises. Eliminuje riziko poškození spouště během přizpůsobování a zkracuje čas instalace až o jednu třetinu. Regulační šroub na bubnu selektoru umožňuje rychlé a snadné nastavení správného vztahu spouště/bezpečnosti tak, aby byl pohyb spouště zcela blokován, když je selektor nastaven na „safe“. Druhý šroub uvnitř bubnu zajišťuje, že regulační šroub zůstane na svém místě. Hluboce vroubkované ovládací tlačítko poskytuje pozitivní zapojení palce i při nošení rukavic a lze jej instalovat ve standardní pozici na levé straně přijímače nebo na pravé straně pro rychlou a přirozenou operaci leváky. Obsahuje nízkoprofilovou ambidextrální páčku pro druhou stranu, která přidává minimální objem, zatímco vám dává flexibilitu ovládat bezpečnostní zařízení nouzovou rukou nebo v případě zranění silné ruky. Nebo přidejte páčku ambidextrálního selektoru JPFC-SL1, aby vaše puška měla plně ambidextrální ovládání bezpečnostní páčky na obou stranách přijímače. Ideální pro taktické střelce a střelce soutěžící, kteří mohou potřebovat ovládat selektor slabou rukou, aby se přizpůsobili netradiční střelecké pozici.
3099CZK23 099,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. 2 Počet ks. skladem USA
Reverzibilní bezpečnostní selektor pro AR-15 s rychlou a snadnou instalací, který eliminuje časově náročnou práci s přizpůsobováním bezpečnosti spoušťovému mechanismu.
Regulační šroub umožňuje přesné nastavení blokování spouště při nastavení na "safe", zatímco druhý šroub zajišťuje pevné uchycení.
Ambidextrální páčka umožňuje flexibilní ovládání bezpečnosti oběma rukama, ideální pro taktické a soutěžní střelce.
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Odpovědný hospodářský subjekt podle nařízení EU
Brownells Arms s.r.o.
Bílanská 1861/81
76701 Kroměříž
Česká republika
Nastavitelný a reverzibilní bezpečnostní selektor AR-15 od J.P. Enterprises 🛡️ zjednodušuje instalaci a zvyšuje bezpečnost. Ideální pro taktické střelce!
Eliminates "Fitting" The Safety; Works With Factory & Aftermarket Triggers
Easy-to-install, reversible safety selector ensures ultra-reliable engagement and eliminates the time-consuming job of “fitting the safety” to a factory or aftermarket trigger—the perfect upgrade to accompany a J.P. Enterprises Adjustable Trigger. Eliminates the risk of damaging the trigger during fitting and shortens installation time by as much as one-third. An adjustment screw on the selector drum lets you quickly and easily set the correct trigger/safety relationship to completely block trigger movement when the selector is set to “safe.” A second screw inside the drum ensures the adjustment screw stays locked in place. Deeply grooved control pad gives positive thumb engagement even when wearing gloves, and can be installed in the standard position on the left-side of the receiver or on the right side for fast, natural operation by left-handed shooters. Includes a low-profile ambidextrous lever for the other side that adds minimal bulk while giving you the flexibility to operate the safety with the off hand in an emergency or if the strong hand is injured. Or add the JPFC-SL1 Ambidextrous Selector Lever to give your rifle a full-size safety lever on both sides of the receiver for fully ambidextrous operation. Ideal for tactical and competition shooters who may need to operate the selector with the weak hand to accommodate an unconventional shooting position.
SPECS: Steel with aluminum control pads, matte black finish. Installation instructions included.
Eliminuje "Přizpůsobování" Bezpečnosti; Kompatibilní s Továrními & Aftermarketovými Spouštěmi
Snadno instalovatelný, reverzibilní bezpečnostní selektor zajišťuje ultra-spolehlivé zapojení a eliminuje časově náročnou práci s „přizpůsobováním bezpečnosti“ továrnímu nebo aftermarketovému spoušťovému mechanismu – ideální vylepšení k doplnění nastavitelné spouště J.P. Enterprises. Eliminuje riziko poškození spouště během přizpůsobování a zkracuje čas instalace až o jednu třetinu. Regulační šroub na bubnu selektoru umožňuje rychlé a snadné nastavení správného vztahu spouště/bezpečnosti tak, aby byl pohyb spouště zcela blokován, když je selektor nastaven na „safe“. Druhý šroub uvnitř bubnu zajišťuje, že regulační šroub zůstane na svém místě. Hluboce vroubkované ovládací tlačítko poskytuje pozitivní zapojení palce i při nošení rukavic a lze jej instalovat ve standardní pozici na levé straně přijímače nebo na pravé straně pro rychlou a přirozenou operaci leváky. Obsahuje nízkoprofilovou ambidextrální páčku pro druhou stranu, která přidává minimální objem, zatímco vám dává flexibilitu ovládat bezpečnostní zařízení nouzovou rukou nebo v případě zranění silné ruky. Nebo přidejte páčku ambidextrálního selektoru JPFC-SL1, aby vaše puška měla plně ambidextrální ovládání bezpečnostní páčky na obou stranách přijímače. Ideální pro taktické střelce a střelce soutěžící, kteří mohou potřebovat ovládat selektor slabou rukou, aby se přizpůsobili netradiční střelecké pozici.
SPECS: Ocel s hliníkovými ovládacími tlačítky, matně černá povrchová úprava. Návod k instalaci je součástí balení.
Počet hodnocení: 8
Od brownells.com: 8
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,1
JP Enterprises hit one out of the park with this safety selector! Being a gunsmith and working with quality parts is a pleasure. I found that the instructions very easy to follow and little fitting required. Having a selector that is adjustable removes all play when on safe, giving a rock solid feel.The thumb rest is deeper and has a shelf for no miss or slip engagement.Being screwed from both sides makes it a tight fit.
Excellent, when it fits your trigger(27.10.2010)
I installed this about a year ago when all my other internal lower parts were standard (including the trigger) and it worked perfectly. Easy installation, very nice machining (no sloppiness or excessive depth of the detent groove as you will sometimes see with a standard part) which makes for excellent, smooth feel and safety engagement/disengagement (as well as quietness). No fitting was required other than adjusting one screw. I was excited to have an ambi safety, since I am left handed, and liked that it was advertised as working with "any aftermarket trigger" (I'm quoting from their website, here), as I planned to install one down the road.
After a few months of AR bliss I decided to install a Geiselle SSA trigger. I installed the trigger, cocked the rifle, switched the selector to "fire," pulled the trigger, and nothing... I swapped the JP selector for a standard one, and the trigger worked beautifully. Switching back to the JP and watching the trigger movement, I noticed that the JP was not allowing the Geissele to travel enough to release the hammer. The tail of the trigger was hitting the safety before the sear could release. This is how the safety is supposed to work when it is engaged in "safe" mode. So in effect, with this safety I effectively get "safe" mode when the selector was switched to both "safe" and "fire" modes. Pulling the safety again and visually comparing it to the standard, I could see that the JP's machined flat for "fire" was significantly shallower than the standard safety's. The difference is on the order of a couple mm, which is huge considering that this part isn't very large. It is clear that they did this because there is a transverse hole drilled in the thing (for the adjustable "safe" mode stop). I guess the designers were concerned that if they machined the thing to standard dimensions that it would be too weak.
So I'm back to using the standard safety for the moment so I can actually fire my rifle. I've been thinking about machining or filing down the "fire" shelf some to see if I can make enough room for the trigger to work, but I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. It might not have enough meat there before hitting the screw hole. I'm probably going to try some competing offerings before I resort to that.
I just don't see how they can claim that the thing works with all aftermarket triggers when it clearly has a travel limitation that the standard design does not. It does not work with the Geissele SSA, anyway.
This item DOES NOT WORK(10.3.2011)
Upon visual inspection, it is obvious to the naked eye that the gap in the barrel is much more shallow than on a stock selector. After installing it, my Wilson Combat tac trigger would not fire. Even with the adjustment screws removed alltogether, the trigger bar would not clear the selector when on FIRE. Given the divergence from USGI selector barrel specs, I would not trust this item with any trigger.
Excellent Product as always(28.3.2011)
Being a full time gunsmith, this unit is absolute perfection when it comes to perfectly adjusting the safety engagement on an AR. I have installed several and customers are happy with them. Satisfied customers is what it is all about.
Works as advertised(15.7.2011)
Drop in and adjust works like a charm. Fits like manufacture says. My only complaint is if you set it up with the ambi safety it rubs my trigger finger, not a big deal i just removed it.
Needed for JP Fire Control Group(2.4.2013)
It's a good safety, but I had to buy it because the JP fire control group I installed on my S&W wouldn't work with the Battle arms ambi safety or a standard safety for that matter. Whereas others where having issues with the FIRE position, I couldn't engage a standard safety with the JP trigger without binding/rubbing, so I had to install this one. This safety barrel is cut out in the safe position and uses a set-screw to contact the trigger. Overall happy with it, but really wouldn't recommend it over anything else UNLESS you run into issues with your JP trigger and need more clearance in the SAFE position.
Yay! It worked!!!(18.7.2013)
I just got done installing both the JP selector in a Stag Arms Lower with Geissele SSA trigger and the Battle Arms selector in a Colt Lower with a Geissele SSA-E trigger. Both selectors are fine pieces of equipment to be sure but there are differences. Out of the box with no break-in period the JP was smother from stop to stop. Both have about the same positive click feel when reaching Safe or Fire. I think the BA selector will become just as smooth when the finish coating wears some though. Again, out of the box and with no gunsmithing the BA was a better fit with the Geissele trigger. To be completely fair to JP though, in my opinion they are providing a product that is designed to provide a more custom precision fit and also that in Geissele's own product description they say that some selectors will need to be fitted with their triggers. The Stag Arms Lower/SSA combo with the JP Selector had no perceivable over-travel when fired. Translation, I got darn lucky that it worked out of the box and it might be a good idea to take it to a gunsmith for a more proper fit. The adjustable safety block screw did interface nicely with the SSA though. If you are looking for a more custom fit/feel for your AR and don't mind having to possibly do some added work for it the JP Enterprises Selector, in my nonprofessional opinion, is the better part. With the Battle Arms selector though, drop it in, Loctite two screw and you're done.
Single Stage only (28.10.2015)
This is an awesome unit - I like the interface between the levers and the barrel much more than the Battle Arms system, and the machining is tighter, however, as it comes from JPE, it is designed to ONLY work with single stage triggers - and I already Geissele'd all the things. There's not enough metal taken off of the 'fire' surface to allow the trigger body's movement in a second stage pull. I spoke with a rep at JP, who advised it's possible to machine the 'fire' interface surface back to allow more travel for two stage triggers. The rep thought it might be around .010" +/- .005"