Mount Picatinny Accessories For Mission-Specific Needs
The M2-B has a Picatinny style rail positioned well below the iron sight axis, making this the lowest optic mount available for the AK. With a tubular sight mounted low, you will be able to use your optic without a comb riser and still use your regular hold. The system allows for co witnessing (the ability to use your iron sights right through a 1x sight as a back-up sighting system) when used with a tubular reflex sight. This heavy duty mount replaces the original steel gas tube and upper handguard, so it adds less than one ounce to the weight of the rifle, making it by far the lightest optic mount installation in the world. The forward positioning of the optic gives you faster, easier and more natural targeting while maintaining your full field of view. Multiple target or moving target engagements, with both eyes open, become second nature. The mount rarely if ever needs to be removed to clean the rifle, so you need not worry about loss of zero. Since the mount is clamped to the barrel and not jammed in between the gas block and the sight block like the original gas tube, several UltiMAK users have reported an improvement in their AKs' inherent accuracy. The UltiMAK Optics Mount has been engineered for compatibility with a wide range of AK rifle variations. If you have a 7.62 x 39 caliber AK with standard weight barrel and a standard length, removable gas tube (roughly seven inches, or 17.7 centimeters overall gas tube length) the Mount should fit nicely. We have yet to find a rifle of the above description that our mount does not fit, providing that the rifle is assembled reasonably straight. Some AKs have radically misaligned gas blocks as compared to the rear sight block. In rare cases, this can cause problems installing the UltiMAK Mount. (with vent holes, as found mostly on Chinese AKs) Replaces gas tube. Clamps directly to barrel for maximum stability and accuracy. Solid, one-piece 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum body. Comes with 4140 steel clamps, screws, allen wrench, and instructions. No Gunsmithing. Made in U.S.A.
SPECS: Scout Mount – 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum, 4140 steel mounting clamps, matte black. 6.7" (17cm) long. Fits 7.62x39 caliber rifles that have original gas tubes with side gas port holes as found mostly on Chinese AKs.
Montážní lišty Picatinny pro specifické potřeby mise
M2-B má lištu ve stylu Picatinny umístěnou dobře pod osou mířidel, což z něj činí nejnižší dostupný montážní systém pro AK. S nízko umístěným tubusovým zaměřovačem budete moci používat optiku bez nutnosti zvýšení hřbetu pažby a zachovat si svůj běžný způsob držení zbraně. Systém umožňuje současné použití (schopnost použít vaše železné mířidla přímo skrze 1x zaměřovač jako záložní mířící systém) při použití tubusového reflexního zaměřovače. Tento robustní montážní systém nahrazuje původní ocelovou plynovou trubku a horní kryt rukojeti, takže přidává k váze pušky méně než jednu unci, což z něj činí zdaleka nejlehčí instalaci optického montážního systému na světě. Přední umístění optiky vám umožní rychlejší, jednodušší a přirozenější zaměřování při zachování celého zorného pole. Zásahy více cílů nebo pohybujících se cílů, s oběma očima otevřenými, se stanou druhou přirozeností. Montážní systém je třeba zřídka kdy odstranit pro čištění zbraně, takže se nemusíte obávat ztráty nuly. Vzhledem k tomu, že montáž je připevněna ke hlavni a není vtlačena mezi plynový blok a blok mířidel jako původní plynová trubka, několik uživatelů UltiMAK uvedlo zlepšení vrozené přesnosti svých AK. Optický montážní systém UltiMAK byl navržen pro kompatibilitu s širokou škálou variant pušek AK. Pokud máte AK ráže 7.62 x 39 s běžnou váhou hlavně a standardní délkou odnímatelné plynové trubky (přibližně sedm palců nebo 17,7 centimetrů celkové délky plynové trubky), montáž by měla pasovat. Dosud jsme nenašli pušku výše uvedeného popisu, na kterou by náš montážní systém neseděl, za předpokladu, že je puška smontována rozumně rovně. Některé AK mají radikálně špatně vyrovnány plynové bloky ve srovnání s blokem zadního mířidla. Vzácně se může stát, že to způsobí problémy při instalaci montáže UltiMAK. (s ventilačními otvory, jak je to obvyklé u čínských AK) Nahrazuje plynovou trubku. Svorky přímo na hlaveň pro maximální stabilitu a přesnost. Pevné, jednodílné tělo z hliníku 6061-T6 tvrdě eloxovaného. Dodáváno se svorkami z oceli 4140, šrouby, imbusovým klíčem a návodem. Bez nutnosti úprav zbraněře. Vyrobeno v USA.
SPECIFIKACE: Scout Mount – 6061-T6 tvrdě eloxovaný hliník, montážní svorky z oceli 4140, matně černé. Délka 6.7" (17 cm). Vhodné pro pušky ráže 7.62x39, které mají původní plynové trubky se bočními otvory pro plyn, jak je to obvyklé u čínských AK.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku ULTIMAK AK-47 SCOUT MOUNT
Počet hodnocení: 6
Od 5
Průměrné hodnocení: 5
pro AK nejlepší řešení(23.4.2019)
V kombinaci s nízkým kolimátorem (např. Aimpoint T-1) lze použít i původní miřidla, není třeba lícnice, zbraň se pocitově nemění. Robustní a bezproblémový produkt. Pozn.: Vortex Sparc je mírně vyšší, na miřidla je vidět pouze pokud se hledí posune na delší vzdálenost. Olejovat gas-block je možné přes boční díry, ale čistit je nutné vytěrákem, nelze sundavat bez opětovného nastřelení. Nelze sundat ani podpažbí, protože jistící páčka pro uvolnění podpažbí se zarazí o tuto montáž a nejde otočit dopředu.
What a great idea, and product....(22.2.2010)
I wonder why nobody else has done this. A simple replacement of the stock gas tube and it allows you to co-witness your red dot optic with your iron sights on an AK platform. Depending on the optic and mount combo you are using the co witness will not be perfect, but most of them still allow you to use the iron sights with the optic in place. For tactical applications, as well as just about any other application as well, co-witnessing is an absolute must in my opinion. It is definately one inherent characteristic of the AR platforms that the AK platform would benefit greatly from by adopting it. In the end, it modernizes the simple and rugged design of the AK platform and makes it more versatile.
THE BEST scout mount for AKs(12.8.2011)
I've got one of these on my Arsenal SLR-106FR and have installed a few for customers. My personal rifle hosts a VLTOR scout mount with a Surefire 6P in a HD setup, it has never moved or shifted. Extremely solid, and if you want to mount an optic this is the best way to do it on an AK. Don't use the cheesy ATI or TAPCO mounts that simply replace the upper handguard and not the entire gas tube if you ever want your optic to hold zero. This mounts directly to the barrel so your optic is in line with it.
Having a side-folding stock on my personal rifle, I can have the stock folded but still host an optic. I've never used my side rail and probably never will. UltiMAK's forend is also excellent, and works well with this setup.
The only caution is that since this is a one-piece replacement for the gas tube, it can get a bit warm during rapid-fire drills. I wear Mechanix "Light Duty" gloves while shooting and can handle it just fine. With bare hands, you may want to be careful about touching the mount.
Lowest Optic Mount Option Availble(3.8.2012)
I specifically ordered the Ultimak M2-B or "scout mount" to review for my blog fans and followers. A few months ago I acquired a basic Century WASR-10 AK variant/clone. I love to use irons sights don't get me wrong, but I really wanted to mount an optic to this WASR. I planned on doing several other modifications to the WASR, so I began browsing here at Brownells.
After scouring the internet, I was discouraged to find that most AK optic mounts had issues with holding zero or staying in place. Some mounted from the side rail on the receiver, some from the rear sight and even some from the receiver cover. I almost ordered one for the receiver cover mounts, but then someone recommended that I take a look at Ultimak rails.
I came to find that Brownells stocks several Ultimak models and products and was pleased that they had the AK version in stock. At first I was a little apprehensive about ordering it at first, because instead of it just being a rail or an attachment, it actually replaces your entire gas tubeâ¦the Ultimak rail IS the gas tube. After reading several good things about the M2-B, I decided to order it.
Once it arrived, I was immediately pleased with the mount. It was very solid in construction and had a very nice anodized black finish. The rail is one solid piece made out of 6061-T6 anodized aluminum and comes with two steel brackets for mounting. The brackets are constructed of 4140 steel and clamp directly to the barrel, which was a bigger winner for me. The rail is also your standard MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny rail, so any optic or accessory is possible.
I have to say that the best part about the M2-B is that absolutely NO GUNSMITHING is required to install this mount. You will be required to remove your old gas tube and will need to temporarily remove your bottom hand guard to install the brackets. For anyone buying this mount, here is a very important trick/tip that I learned the hard way.
When installing the brackets on the barrel you need to make sure you put the bottom hand guard back on before installing your new Ultimak mount/gas tube body. This is important, because if you go ahead and install the M2-B before replacing the bottom hand guard, you will be unable to close the locking lever on the lower hand guard retainer. So, after putting the brackets on your barrel, carefully hold them in place and replace the bottom hand guard. At this point, you can line them up by sliding them along the barrel until the holes line up with the main mount.
After you have everything ready, you simply tighten the mount down with the provided Allen screws and Allen key. If you plan on making this a permanent addition to your AK, I would also recommend using blue or red Loc-Tite. Make sure that before you tighten the screws down, that the M2-B mount is level and in line with the barrel. After you have confirmed that it is straight and your screws are tight, you can now mount your optic.
Installation was fairly simply, had I used common sense the first time around. After everything was done, I couldn't be more impressed with how low the mount actually sits. For those of you that plan on using a low mounted optic like a Burris Fastfire or Aimpoint Micro, co-witnessing is totally possible with your irons. In my case, I was using a Trijicon Tri-Power with a high ring.
Although it still mounted fairly low with a great cheek wield, it was not enough to use the irons also. You will notice that once you install the mount, the rail actually sits lower than the front and rear sights. This is key for co-witnessing with low mounted optics. Ultimak really hit a home run with this one.
Now to the issue of holding zero. Thus far I have shot approximately 800+ rounds through the WASR with no loss of zeroâ¦and she is still holding strong. This really surprised me seeing how the mount is actually the gas tube. All that violent action of the piston and she's still holding zeroâ¦very impressive to say the least.
The only issue I encountered with this mount, is the fact that it is constructed of all metal so it gets hot fast. Your upper hand guard usually has a little wood/polymer for protection, but the Ultimak rail has none. Just use caution when handling your rifle after sustained firing! Other than that A+!!!
If you are in the market for a quality optics mount, look no further than the Ultimak M2-B. I would highly recommend to any AK enthusiast or anyone serious about having an optic on their rifle. Buy this mount and you will not be disappointed! Have fun, be safe and shoot on! -Michael Sapp
Easy to install and rock solid!(20.10.2015)
Just recently purchased a DDI AK-47 and already had a Aimpoint T-1 that I wanted to mount. This looked like the simplest method to mount it that was lightest, most unobtrusive and solid. It fit what I was looking for to a T. Easy to install and comes with great instructions for installation.
Excellent mount for the AK platform!(11.8.2016)
I wasn't sure whether or not this would fit my Century Arms AK63D underfolding rifle (and I didn't see any mention of my rifle on ULTIMAK's website), so on a hunch I purchased the M2-B from Brownells. Come to find out it fits like a glove! Installed with no issues whatsoever. I'm using Magpul's MOE AKM lower handguard and this scout mount fits like it was made for it (note: as I was writing this I received an email from ULTIMAK and discovered they ARE made to fit together!). No trimming, no sanding, no adjusting- just drop it right in, cinch it up, and go! Thank you so much for carrying this fine product!
Produkt č.: 100002177 ULTIMAK AK-47 SCOUT MOUNT Číslo výrobce: M2-B M2-B má lištu ve stylu Picatinny umístěnou dobře pod osou mířidel, což z něj činí nejnižší dostupný montážní systém pro AK. S nízko umístěným tubusovým zaměřovačem budete moci používat optiku bez nutnosti zvýšení hřbetu pažby a zachovat si svůj běžný způsob držení zbraně. Systém umožňuje současné použití (schopnost použít vaše železné mířidla přímo skrze 1x zaměřovač jako záložní mířící systém) při použití tubusového reflexního zaměřovače. Tento robustní montážní systém nahrazuje původní ocelovou plynovou trubku a horní kryt rukojeti, takže přidává k váze pušky méně než jednu unci, což z něj činí zdaleka nejlehčí instalaci optického montážního systému na světě. Přední umístění optiky vám umožní rychlejší, jednodušší a přirozenější zaměřování při zachování celého zorného pole. Zásahy více cílů nebo pohybujících se cílů, s oběma očima otevřenými, se stanou druhou přirozeností. Montážní systém je třeba zřídka kdy odstranit pro čištění zbraně, takže se nemusíte obávat ztráty nuly. Vzhledem k tomu, že montáž je připevněna ke hlavni a není vtlačena mezi plynový blok a blok mířidel jako původní plynová trubka, několik uživatelů UltiMAK uvedlo zlepšení vrozené přesnosti svých AK. Optický montážní systém UltiMAK byl navržen pro kompatibilitu s širokou škálou variant pušek AK. Pokud máte AK ráže 7.62 x 39 s běžnou váhou hlavně a standardní délkou odnímatelné plynové trubky (přibližně sedm palců nebo 17,7 centimetrů celkové délky plynové trubky), montáž by měla pasovat. Dosud jsme nenašli pušku výše uvedeného popisu, na kterou by náš montážní systém neseděl, za předpokladu, že je puška smontována rozumně rovně. Některé AK mají radikálně špatně vyrovnány plynové bloky ve srovnání s blokem zadního mířidla. Vzácně se může stát, že to způsobí problémy při instalaci montáže UltiMAK. (s ventilačními otvory, jak je to obvyklé u čínských AK) Nahrazuje plynovou trubku. Svorky přímo na hlaveň pro maximální stabilitu a přesnost. Pevné, jednodílné tělo z hliníku 6061-T6 tvrdě eloxovaného. Dodáváno se svorkami z oceli 4140, šrouby, imbusovým klíčem a návodem. Bez nutnosti úprav zbraněře. Vyrobeno v USA.
4699CZK44 699,00 Kč
Dodací lhůta je přibližně 14-21 dní. 4 Počet ks. skladem USA
Vlastnosti:Barevný: Matte BlackMake: AK-47Material: AluminumNumber of Bases: 1-PieceStyle: Taktické základny
Mount Picatinny Accessories For Mission-Specific Needs
The M2-B has a Picatinny style rail positioned well below the iron sight axis, making this the lowest optic mount available for the AK. With a tubular sight mounted low, you will be able to use your optic without a comb riser and still use your regular hold. The system allows for co witnessing (the ability to use your iron sights right through a 1x sight as a back-up sighting system) when used with a tubular reflex sight. This heavy duty mount replaces the original steel gas tube and upper handguard, so it adds less than one ounce to the weight of the rifle, making it by far the lightest optic mount installation in the world. The forward positioning of the optic gives you faster, easier and more natural targeting while maintaining your full field of view. Multiple target or moving target engagements, with both eyes open, become second nature. The mount rarely if ever needs to be removed to clean the rifle, so you need not worry about loss of zero. Since the mount is clamped to the barrel and not jammed in between the gas block and the sight block like the original gas tube, several UltiMAK users have reported an improvement in their AKs' inherent accuracy. The UltiMAK Optics Mount has been engineered for compatibility with a wide range of AK rifle variations. If you have a 7.62 x 39 caliber AK with standard weight barrel and a standard length, removable gas tube (roughly seven inches, or 17.7 centimeters overall gas tube length) the Mount should fit nicely. We have yet to find a rifle of the above description that our mount does not fit, providing that the rifle is assembled reasonably straight. Some AKs have radically misaligned gas blocks as compared to the rear sight block. In rare cases, this can cause problems installing the UltiMAK Mount. (with vent holes, as found mostly on Chinese AKs) Replaces gas tube. Clamps directly to barrel for maximum stability and accuracy. Solid, one-piece 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum body. Comes with 4140 steel clamps, screws, allen wrench, and instructions. No Gunsmithing. Made in U.S.A.
SPECS: Scout Mount – 6061-T6 hard anodized aluminum, 4140 steel mounting clamps, matte black. 6.7" (17cm) long. Fits 7.62x39 caliber rifles that have original gas tubes with side gas port holes as found mostly on Chinese AKs.
Montážní lišty Picatinny pro specifické potřeby mise
M2-B má lištu ve stylu Picatinny umístěnou dobře pod osou mířidel, což z něj činí nejnižší dostupný montážní systém pro AK. S nízko umístěným tubusovým zaměřovačem budete moci používat optiku bez nutnosti zvýšení hřbetu pažby a zachovat si svůj běžný způsob držení zbraně. Systém umožňuje současné použití (schopnost použít vaše železné mířidla přímo skrze 1x zaměřovač jako záložní mířící systém) při použití tubusového reflexního zaměřovače. Tento robustní montážní systém nahrazuje původní ocelovou plynovou trubku a horní kryt rukojeti, takže přidává k váze pušky méně než jednu unci, což z něj činí zdaleka nejlehčí instalaci optického montážního systému na světě. Přední umístění optiky vám umožní rychlejší, jednodušší a přirozenější zaměřování při zachování celého zorného pole. Zásahy více cílů nebo pohybujících se cílů, s oběma očima otevřenými, se stanou druhou přirozeností. Montážní systém je třeba zřídka kdy odstranit pro čištění zbraně, takže se nemusíte obávat ztráty nuly. Vzhledem k tomu, že montáž je připevněna ke hlavni a není vtlačena mezi plynový blok a blok mířidel jako původní plynová trubka, několik uživatelů UltiMAK uvedlo zlepšení vrozené přesnosti svých AK. Optický montážní systém UltiMAK byl navržen pro kompatibilitu s širokou škálou variant pušek AK. Pokud máte AK ráže 7.62 x 39 s běžnou váhou hlavně a standardní délkou odnímatelné plynové trubky (přibližně sedm palců nebo 17,7 centimetrů celkové délky plynové trubky), montáž by měla pasovat. Dosud jsme nenašli pušku výše uvedeného popisu, na kterou by náš montážní systém neseděl, za předpokladu, že je puška smontována rozumně rovně. Některé AK mají radikálně špatně vyrovnány plynové bloky ve srovnání s blokem zadního mířidla. Vzácně se může stát, že to způsobí problémy při instalaci montáže UltiMAK. (s ventilačními otvory, jak je to obvyklé u čínských AK) Nahrazuje plynovou trubku. Svorky přímo na hlaveň pro maximální stabilitu a přesnost. Pevné, jednodílné tělo z hliníku 6061-T6 tvrdě eloxovaného. Dodáváno se svorkami z oceli 4140, šrouby, imbusovým klíčem a návodem. Bez nutnosti úprav zbraněře. Vyrobeno v USA.
SPECIFIKACE: Scout Mount – 6061-T6 tvrdě eloxovaný hliník, montážní svorky z oceli 4140, matně černé. Délka 6.7" (17 cm). Vhodné pro pušky ráže 7.62x39, které mají původní plynové trubky se bočními otvory pro plyn, jak je to obvyklé u čínských AK.
Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku ULTIMAK AK-47 SCOUT MOUNT
Počet hodnocení: 6
Od 5
Průměrné hodnocení: 5
pro AK nejlepší řešení(23.4.2019)
V kombinaci s nízkým kolimátorem (např. Aimpoint T-1) lze použít i původní miřidla, není třeba lícnice, zbraň se pocitově nemění. Robustní a bezproblémový produkt. Pozn.: Vortex Sparc je mírně vyšší, na miřidla je vidět pouze pokud se hledí posune na delší vzdálenost. Olejovat gas-block je možné přes boční díry, ale čistit je nutné vytěrákem, nelze sundavat bez opětovného nastřelení. Nelze sundat ani podpažbí, protože jistící páčka pro uvolnění podpažbí se zarazí o tuto montáž a nejde otočit dopředu.
What a great idea, and product....(22.2.2010)
I wonder why nobody else has done this. A simple replacement of the stock gas tube and it allows you to co-witness your red dot optic with your iron sights on an AK platform. Depending on the optic and mount combo you are using the co witness will not be perfect, but most of them still allow you to use the iron sights with the optic in place. For tactical applications, as well as just about any other application as well, co-witnessing is an absolute must in my opinion. It is definately one inherent characteristic of the AR platforms that the AK platform would benefit greatly from by adopting it. In the end, it modernizes the simple and rugged design of the AK platform and makes it more versatile.
THE BEST scout mount for AKs(12.8.2011)
I've got one of these on my Arsenal SLR-106FR and have installed a few for customers. My personal rifle hosts a VLTOR scout mount with a Surefire 6P in a HD setup, it has never moved or shifted. Extremely solid, and if you want to mount an optic this is the best way to do it on an AK. Don't use the cheesy ATI or TAPCO mounts that simply replace the upper handguard and not the entire gas tube if you ever want your optic to hold zero. This mounts directly to the barrel so your optic is in line with it.
Having a side-folding stock on my personal rifle, I can have the stock folded but still host an optic. I've never used my side rail and probably never will. UltiMAK's forend is also excellent, and works well with this setup.
The only caution is that since this is a one-piece replacement for the gas tube, it can get a bit warm during rapid-fire drills. I wear Mechanix "Light Duty" gloves while shooting and can handle it just fine. With bare hands, you may want to be careful about touching the mount.
Lowest Optic Mount Option Availble(3.8.2012)
I specifically ordered the Ultimak M2-B or "scout mount" to review for my blog fans and followers. A few months ago I acquired a basic Century WASR-10 AK variant/clone. I love to use irons sights don't get me wrong, but I really wanted to mount an optic to this WASR. I planned on doing several other modifications to the WASR, so I began browsing here at Brownells.
After scouring the internet, I was discouraged to find that most AK optic mounts had issues with holding zero or staying in place. Some mounted from the side rail on the receiver, some from the rear sight and even some from the receiver cover. I almost ordered one for the receiver cover mounts, but then someone recommended that I take a look at Ultimak rails.
I came to find that Brownells stocks several Ultimak models and products and was pleased that they had the AK version in stock. At first I was a little apprehensive about ordering it at first, because instead of it just being a rail or an attachment, it actually replaces your entire gas tubeâ¦the Ultimak rail IS the gas tube. After reading several good things about the M2-B, I decided to order it.
Once it arrived, I was immediately pleased with the mount. It was very solid in construction and had a very nice anodized black finish. The rail is one solid piece made out of 6061-T6 anodized aluminum and comes with two steel brackets for mounting. The brackets are constructed of 4140 steel and clamp directly to the barrel, which was a bigger winner for me. The rail is also your standard MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny rail, so any optic or accessory is possible.
I have to say that the best part about the M2-B is that absolutely NO GUNSMITHING is required to install this mount. You will be required to remove your old gas tube and will need to temporarily remove your bottom hand guard to install the brackets. For anyone buying this mount, here is a very important trick/tip that I learned the hard way.
When installing the brackets on the barrel you need to make sure you put the bottom hand guard back on before installing your new Ultimak mount/gas tube body. This is important, because if you go ahead and install the M2-B before replacing the bottom hand guard, you will be unable to close the locking lever on the lower hand guard retainer. So, after putting the brackets on your barrel, carefully hold them in place and replace the bottom hand guard. At this point, you can line them up by sliding them along the barrel until the holes line up with the main mount.
After you have everything ready, you simply tighten the mount down with the provided Allen screws and Allen key. If you plan on making this a permanent addition to your AK, I would also recommend using blue or red Loc-Tite. Make sure that before you tighten the screws down, that the M2-B mount is level and in line with the barrel. After you have confirmed that it is straight and your screws are tight, you can now mount your optic.
Installation was fairly simply, had I used common sense the first time around. After everything was done, I couldn't be more impressed with how low the mount actually sits. For those of you that plan on using a low mounted optic like a Burris Fastfire or Aimpoint Micro, co-witnessing is totally possible with your irons. In my case, I was using a Trijicon Tri-Power with a high ring.
Although it still mounted fairly low with a great cheek wield, it was not enough to use the irons also. You will notice that once you install the mount, the rail actually sits lower than the front and rear sights. This is key for co-witnessing with low mounted optics. Ultimak really hit a home run with this one.
Now to the issue of holding zero. Thus far I have shot approximately 800+ rounds through the WASR with no loss of zeroâ¦and she is still holding strong. This really surprised me seeing how the mount is actually the gas tube. All that violent action of the piston and she's still holding zeroâ¦very impressive to say the least.
The only issue I encountered with this mount, is the fact that it is constructed of all metal so it gets hot fast. Your upper hand guard usually has a little wood/polymer for protection, but the Ultimak rail has none. Just use caution when handling your rifle after sustained firing! Other than that A+!!!
If you are in the market for a quality optics mount, look no further than the Ultimak M2-B. I would highly recommend to any AK enthusiast or anyone serious about having an optic on their rifle. Buy this mount and you will not be disappointed! Have fun, be safe and shoot on! -Michael Sapp
Easy to install and rock solid!(20.10.2015)
Just recently purchased a DDI AK-47 and already had a Aimpoint T-1 that I wanted to mount. This looked like the simplest method to mount it that was lightest, most unobtrusive and solid. It fit what I was looking for to a T. Easy to install and comes with great instructions for installation.
Excellent mount for the AK platform!(11.8.2016)
I wasn't sure whether or not this would fit my Century Arms AK63D underfolding rifle (and I didn't see any mention of my rifle on ULTIMAK's website), so on a hunch I purchased the M2-B from Brownells. Come to find out it fits like a glove! Installed with no issues whatsoever. I'm using Magpul's MOE AKM lower handguard and this scout mount fits like it was made for it (note: as I was writing this I received an email from ULTIMAK and discovered they ARE made to fit together!). No trimming, no sanding, no adjusting- just drop it right in, cinch it up, and go! Thank you so much for carrying this fine product!