Features: Improves cycling and overall operation Improved recoil spring life Hardened stainless steel guide rod machined from barstock .250” Rod Diameter Full size features a 17# chrome silicon flat wire recoil spring Compact size features a 22# chrome silicon flat wire recoil spring Full size is compatible with standard recoil spring plugs and Shok-Buff Recoil Buffers Compact model includes hardened stainless steel reverse spring plug and has a guide rod which is clearance for compact barrel lugs and link
SPECS: Full Size #614 – Includes: Recoil spring guide and 17# Flat-Wire recoil spring. Compact #651 - Includes: Full-length guide rod, reverse spring plug, 22# Flat-Wire recoil spring and take down pin. Compact is compatible with the following handguns: Wilson Combat 4” Compact (.45ACP), Wilson Combat 4” Professional (.45ACP), Kimber 4” Compact (.45ACP), Kimber Professional (.45ACP), STI (.45ACP, Tactical 4.0, Ranger II), BUL Ltd (.45ACP, M-5 Commander), Springfield Armory (.45ACP, Compact Series with Cone Barrel and Collar Plug, Champion Series with Cone Barrel and Supported Reverse Plug).
Funkce: Zlepšuje cyklování a celkovou operativnost Prodlužuje životnost zpětné pružiny Odolné vodítko zpětné pružiny z nerezové oceli vyrobené z plné tyče .250” Průměr tyče Plná velikost obsahuje 17# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Kompaktní velikost obsahuje 22# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Plná velikost je kompatibilní se standardními zátkami zpětné pružiny a Shok-Buff Zpětnými tlumiči Kompaktní model zahrnuje odolnou zátku z nerezové oceli pro reverzní pružinu a má vodítko pružiny, které je upraveno pro kompaktní hlavně a spojky
SPECS: Plná velikost #614 – Zahrnuje: Vodítko zpětné pružiny a 17# Flat-Wire zpětnou pružinu. Kompaktní #651 - Zahrnuje: Vodítko pružiny celé délky, zátku pro reverzní pružinu, 22# Flat-Wire zpětnou pružinu a demontážní kolík. Kompaktní je kompatibilní s následujícími zbraněmi: Wilson Combat 4” Compact (.45ACP), Wilson Combat 4” Professional (.45ACP), Kimber 4” Compact (.45ACP), Kimber Professional (.45ACP), STI (.45ACP, Tactical 4.0, Ranger II), BUL Ltd (.45ACP, M-5 Commander), Springfield Armory (.45ACP, Compact Series with Cone Barrel and Collar Plug, Champion Series with Cone Barrel and Supported Reverse Plug).
Počet hodnocení: 9
Od brownells.com: 9
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,4
It's worth the money!(27.8.2014)
Ouch! That is what I said to the price, but what a difference it can make if you have a commander 1911 that doesn't like most JHPs. They say this flatwire spring will last 4 times longer than a traditional spring which in the officer 3" and 4" isn't too many trips to the range. My Kimber BP Ten 4" had problems with most JHPs. After replacing a worn spring with this $$$ one, the action was much more firm and smooth with a very even pull. But how does it shoot?
Awesome!!! I tried various JHP loads, and it cycled most of them - just Hornady Critical Duty 220gr +P and Speer 200gr +P GDHP had an occasional FTF issue. It shot reliably the Federal HST 230gr +P, Federal Hydra shok 185gr +P and 230gr, and the Remington Golden Saber 185gr +P, and 230 gr.
Next trip to the range, I plan to try the Underwood 185gr GDHP and XTP rounds both rated with velocities of 1200 fps in 5" barrel.
Kimber Pro Carry II(12.5.2015)
Fit perfectly in Kimber Stainless Pro Carry II
The best!(10.5.2013)
I put this in my Springfield TRP Operator to replace that annoying full length guide rod. This is flat recoil spring kit is the perfect replacement! The TRP cycles so smooth with it. You can even tell a night and day difference on how it cycles by cycling the slide by hand. I already ordered two more for my other Springfield Operators.
Wilson Combat flat wire recoil spring(8.7.2013)
Perfect fit in my Springfield 1911 Mil Spec .45 auto. Get the kit because you will need the special rod for this spring. Gives the slide a smooth consistent feel and performance. Also while you're at it, get the recoil buffer that works with the spring rod guide. Helps out with wear.
Impressed with the product(24.7.2013)
Just received my recoil spring in the mail today and I'm already impressed. It's revitalized my 1911A1 by returning some snap to the slide. I'm also impressed at the addition of a Shok Buff in the package, I didn't catch that in the product description when I ordered it. My one complaint is that the recoil spring retainer doesn't capture the spring tightly, so disassembly is slightly more complicated to keep the spring from sliding off and 'exploring the room'.
1911 Flat Spring Kit(14.4.2014)
I purchased 3 to try in some of my 1911. They are great, a lot better than the factory. I even put in a Les Baer, Ed Brown, Nighthawk, and now have ordered 3 more for some other 1911. You cannot go wrong with this ad on. You can now forget about how many have I put in what gun. Love the deal!!!!!
I expected more from the spring but after trying to install this on a guide rode that is approximately the width as the guide rode that came with it the spring can only be put on the guide rod that came with it making it useless. It feels the same as a regular spring just made more durable but you cannot put it on anything else. I have a dpm recoil system I was hoping this would work on because the guide rod is about the same size. No it is not. This was a waste of money for me.
great so far(6.12.2016)
finally replaced the two piece rod on my Springer Loaded. used the Ed Brown plug Brownells also sells.
easy install, my Loaded only had 200 rds through it but the flat spring still provides a more noticeable snap back into battery. really pleased with purchase.
really like it(27.12.2016)
got this to put in my new 1911 Springfield parkerized loaded. wanted to do away with the 2-piece guide rod from the factory so i wouldn't need a allen wrench to take a part my gun. Wilson Combat parts are very nicely made and looking forward to seeing how the flat spring works out. from what others say should be just fine and maybe a little batter then the factory spring. just know i've used fat spring on other things with good results. don't forget to get a GI plugs here to complete the set-up and you'll be good to go.
Produkt č.: 965000164 WILSON COMBAT FLAT WIRE RECOIL SPRING KIT 4" COMPACT Číslo výrobce: 651874218008550 Funkce: Zlepšuje cyklování a celkovou operativnost Prodlužuje životnost zpětné pružiny Odolné vodítko zpětné pružiny z nerezové oceli vyrobené z plné tyče .250” Průměr tyče Plná velikost obsahuje 17# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Kompaktní velikost obsahuje 22# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Plná velikost je kompatibilní se standardními zátkami zpětné pružiny a Shok-Buff Zpětnými tlumiči Kompaktní model zahrnuje odolnou zátku z nerezové oceli pro reverzní pružinu a má vodítko pružiny, které je upraveno pro kompaktní hlavně a spojky
2199CZK02 199,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Zlepšuje cyklování a celkovou operativnost zbraně, prodlužuje životnost zpětné pružiny.
Kompaktní model obsahuje 22# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu a odolnou zátku z nerezové oceli pro reverzní pružinu.
Plná velikost je kompatibilní se standardními zátkami zpětné pružiny a Shok-Buff Zpětnými tlumiči, zatímco kompaktní model je kompatibilní s několika modely zbraní jako Wilson Combat 4” Compact a Kimber 4” Compact.
Made in USA
US exportní klasifikace: 0A501.x
Prohlášení o kontrole do destinace: "Tyto položky jsou kontrolovány vládou Spojených států a jsou povoleny na vývoz pouze do země konečného určení k použití konečným příjemcem nebo konečným uživatelem (uživatel,), kteří jsou zde identifikováni. Nesmějí být dále prodány, přepraveny ani jinak zlikvidovány v žádné jiné zemi nebo jiné osobě, než je oprávněn konečný příjemce nebo koncový uživatel, a to buď v jejich původní formě nebo po začlenění do jiných položek, aniž by nejprve získali souhlas od vlády USA nebo byly jinak povoleny."
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Odpovědný hospodářský subjekt podle nařízení EU
Brownells Arms s.r.o.
Bílanská 1861/81
76701 Kroměříž
Česká republika
Produkt č.: 965000163 WILSON COMBAT FLAT WIRE RECOIL SPRING KIT FULL SIZE Číslo výrobce: 614874218008482 Funkce: Zlepšuje cyklování a celkovou operativnost Prodlužuje životnost zpětné pružiny Odolné vodítko zpětné pružiny z nerezové oceli vyrobené z plné tyče .250” Průměr tyče Plná velikost obsahuje 17# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Kompaktní velikost obsahuje 22# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Plná velikost je kompatibilní se standardními zátkami zpětné pružiny a Shok-Buff Zpětnými tlumiči Kompaktní model zahrnuje odolnou zátku z nerezové oceli pro reverzní pružinu a má vodítko pružiny, které je upraveno pro kompaktní hlavně a spojky
999CZK0999,00 Kč
Předbjednávka, dodací lhůta je přibližně 4-12 týdny ze skladu z USA.
Features: Improves cycling and overall operation Improved recoil spring life Hardened stainless steel guide rod machined from barstock .250” Rod Diameter Full size features a 17# chrome silicon flat wire recoil spring Compact size features a 22# chrome silicon flat wire recoil spring Full size is compatible with standard recoil spring plugs and Shok-Buff Recoil Buffers Compact model includes hardened stainless steel reverse spring plug and has a guide rod which is clearance for compact barrel lugs and link
SPECS: Full Size #614 – Includes: Recoil spring guide and 17# Flat-Wire recoil spring. Compact #651 - Includes: Full-length guide rod, reverse spring plug, 22# Flat-Wire recoil spring and take down pin. Compact is compatible with the following handguns: Wilson Combat 4” Compact (.45ACP), Wilson Combat 4” Professional (.45ACP), Kimber 4” Compact (.45ACP), Kimber Professional (.45ACP), STI (.45ACP, Tactical 4.0, Ranger II), BUL Ltd (.45ACP, M-5 Commander), Springfield Armory (.45ACP, Compact Series with Cone Barrel and Collar Plug, Champion Series with Cone Barrel and Supported Reverse Plug).
Funkce: Zlepšuje cyklování a celkovou operativnost Prodlužuje životnost zpětné pružiny Odolné vodítko zpětné pružiny z nerezové oceli vyrobené z plné tyče .250” Průměr tyče Plná velikost obsahuje 17# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Kompaktní velikost obsahuje 22# chrome silicon flat wire zpětnou pružinu Plná velikost je kompatibilní se standardními zátkami zpětné pružiny a Shok-Buff Zpětnými tlumiči Kompaktní model zahrnuje odolnou zátku z nerezové oceli pro reverzní pružinu a má vodítko pružiny, které je upraveno pro kompaktní hlavně a spojky
SPECS: Plná velikost #614 – Zahrnuje: Vodítko zpětné pružiny a 17# Flat-Wire zpětnou pružinu. Kompaktní #651 - Zahrnuje: Vodítko pružiny celé délky, zátku pro reverzní pružinu, 22# Flat-Wire zpětnou pružinu a demontážní kolík. Kompaktní je kompatibilní s následujícími zbraněmi: Wilson Combat 4” Compact (.45ACP), Wilson Combat 4” Professional (.45ACP), Kimber 4” Compact (.45ACP), Kimber Professional (.45ACP), STI (.45ACP, Tactical 4.0, Ranger II), BUL Ltd (.45ACP, M-5 Commander), Springfield Armory (.45ACP, Compact Series with Cone Barrel and Collar Plug, Champion Series with Cone Barrel and Supported Reverse Plug).
Počet hodnocení: 9
Od brownells.com: 9
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,4
It's worth the money!(27.8.2014)
Ouch! That is what I said to the price, but what a difference it can make if you have a commander 1911 that doesn't like most JHPs. They say this flatwire spring will last 4 times longer than a traditional spring which in the officer 3" and 4" isn't too many trips to the range. My Kimber BP Ten 4" had problems with most JHPs. After replacing a worn spring with this $$$ one, the action was much more firm and smooth with a very even pull. But how does it shoot?
Awesome!!! I tried various JHP loads, and it cycled most of them - just Hornady Critical Duty 220gr +P and Speer 200gr +P GDHP had an occasional FTF issue. It shot reliably the Federal HST 230gr +P, Federal Hydra shok 185gr +P and 230gr, and the Remington Golden Saber 185gr +P, and 230 gr.
Next trip to the range, I plan to try the Underwood 185gr GDHP and XTP rounds both rated with velocities of 1200 fps in 5" barrel.
Kimber Pro Carry II(12.5.2015)
Fit perfectly in Kimber Stainless Pro Carry II
The best!(10.5.2013)
I put this in my Springfield TRP Operator to replace that annoying full length guide rod. This is flat recoil spring kit is the perfect replacement! The TRP cycles so smooth with it. You can even tell a night and day difference on how it cycles by cycling the slide by hand. I already ordered two more for my other Springfield Operators.
Wilson Combat flat wire recoil spring(8.7.2013)
Perfect fit in my Springfield 1911 Mil Spec .45 auto. Get the kit because you will need the special rod for this spring. Gives the slide a smooth consistent feel and performance. Also while you're at it, get the recoil buffer that works with the spring rod guide. Helps out with wear.
Impressed with the product(24.7.2013)
Just received my recoil spring in the mail today and I'm already impressed. It's revitalized my 1911A1 by returning some snap to the slide. I'm also impressed at the addition of a Shok Buff in the package, I didn't catch that in the product description when I ordered it. My one complaint is that the recoil spring retainer doesn't capture the spring tightly, so disassembly is slightly more complicated to keep the spring from sliding off and 'exploring the room'.
1911 Flat Spring Kit(14.4.2014)
I purchased 3 to try in some of my 1911. They are great, a lot better than the factory. I even put in a Les Baer, Ed Brown, Nighthawk, and now have ordered 3 more for some other 1911. You cannot go wrong with this ad on. You can now forget about how many have I put in what gun. Love the deal!!!!!
I expected more from the spring but after trying to install this on a guide rode that is approximately the width as the guide rode that came with it the spring can only be put on the guide rod that came with it making it useless. It feels the same as a regular spring just made more durable but you cannot put it on anything else. I have a dpm recoil system I was hoping this would work on because the guide rod is about the same size. No it is not. This was a waste of money for me.
great so far(6.12.2016)
finally replaced the two piece rod on my Springer Loaded. used the Ed Brown plug Brownells also sells.
easy install, my Loaded only had 200 rds through it but the flat spring still provides a more noticeable snap back into battery. really pleased with purchase.
really like it(27.12.2016)
got this to put in my new 1911 Springfield parkerized loaded. wanted to do away with the 2-piece guide rod from the factory so i wouldn't need a allen wrench to take a part my gun. Wilson Combat parts are very nicely made and looking forward to seeing how the flat spring works out. from what others say should be just fine and maybe a little batter then the factory spring. just know i've used fat spring on other things with good results. don't forget to get a GI plugs here to complete the set-up and you'll be good to go.