Among today's 5.56 NATO rifles, the H&K 93 is a more unique option, but the HK fans out there that have these guns love to run them. To keep these guns going, a solid magazine is needed, and these H&K 93 polymer magazines are built right to keep your range days active and trouble-free. To keep things affordable, the magazine body on each of these H&K 93 mags is molded from DuPont's Zytel-based polymer, which has a reputation for durability. Inside the magazine, you'll find a long-lasting magazine spring made from heat-treated, chrome-silicon wire, which is topped by an injection-molded follower. These H&K 93 magazines are designed for use with 5.56 NATO and .223 Rem. only and hold up to 30 rounds. The magazine is made in the USA. An Affordable, Durable Polymer Magazine for Your HK 93 Rifles Among today's 5.56 NATO rifles, the H&K 93 is a more unique option, but the HK fans out there that have these guns love to run them. To keep these guns going, a solid magazine is needed, and these H&K 93 polymer magazines are built right to keep your range days active and trouble-free. To keep things affordable, the magazine body on each of these H&K 93 mags is molded from DuPont's Zytel-based polymer, which has a reputation for durability. Inside the magazine, you'll find a long-lasting magazine spring made from heat-treated, chrome-silicon wire, which is topped by an injection-molded follower. These H&K 93 magazines are designed for use with 5.56 NATO and .223 Rem. only and hold up to 30 rounds. The magazine is made in the USA.
Mezi dnešními puškami ráže 5.56 NATO je H&K 93 unikátní volbou, ale fanoušci HK, kteří tyto zbraně vlastní, je milují používat. Pro udržení těchto zbraní v chodu je potřeba spolehlivý zásobník a tyto polymerové zásobníky H&K 93 jsou vyrobeny přesně pro to, abyste mohli aktivně a bez problémů trávit dny na střelnici. Aby byly zásobníky cenově dostupné, tělo každého z těchto zásobníků H&K 93 je odlito z polymeru na bázi Zytelu od společnosti DuPont, který je známý svou odolností. Uvnitř zásobníku najdete pružinu zásobníku vyrobenou z tepelně upraveného drátu z chrom-křemíkové oceli, která je zakončena vstřikovaným podavačem. Tyto zásobníky H&K 93 jsou určeny pouze pro použití s náboji 5.56 NATO a .223 Rem. a pojme až 30 nábojů. Zásobník je vyroben v USA.